I'm looking to buy a reaper ring for 3million! Also selling runic Valour brace and full nightmaster set! Pm here or in game!
Re: Reaper ring
#2Night set hm? and no i aint selling purple hunter lolHello,
I'm looking to buy a reaper ring for 3million! Also selling runic Valour brace and full nightmaster set! Pm here or in game!
Level: 226+ Mage
Level: 130 Rogue
Level: 190+ Druid
Level: 100+ Warrior (DeadLevels)
Clan: Nova
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/deadshadows
Level: 226+ Mage
Level: 130 Rogue
Level: 190+ Druid
Level: 100+ Warrior (DeadLevels)
Clan: Nova
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/deadshadows

Re: Reaper ring
#3Nah don't want purple hunter anymore! I'll take a reaper ring(I'll add 500k) for it or 2.6mill for the set!