So I've been thinking about playing on an ios server. Taranis is one that caught my eye. However, I read a thread where the clans encourage the ruining of lix if they are mad at players. The topic is locked so I can't comment on it.
This isn't meant as a fighting thread but one to get clarification.
Im a plat buyer and this is where my lix would come from. So what I'd like to know is if I joined this server and made one of the clans upset for who knows whatever reason is this something I look forward to. Essentially this is the same thing as me buying something and someone coming in and ruining it to where I can't use it. Or perhaps a better example would be you pay to go see a movie and halfway through the movie, someone starts hitting you on the back of the head, yelling at you, and covering your eyes ruining the movie and your money. I can't think of anyone that would say that's ok to do to someone.
So before I make an account here, would someone answer that question for me.
Re: Curious
#2Our server was not FFA it was run by two clans Pride & Aeon. Benevolence came along and turned the server into FFA. That's what I'm guessing you read. But yeah pretty much how it works here
Re: Curious
#3Thank you for the response and helping me with my decision regarding this server.Our server was not FFA it was run by two clans Pride & Aeon. Benevolence came along and turned the server into FFA. That's what I'm guessing you read. But yeah pretty much how it works here
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue
Noah Fences 220 Rogue
Re: Curious
#4basically Benevolence is a clan fighting to change the server's rules for the better. Overall the server is fun and a good place, although you may get lixes ksed by the opposing clans (Pride, aeon, Paradogz) I personally haven't seen Benevolence ks Pride, Aeon, or PD's lixes. The key part here is, Pride, and Aeon choose which clan gets to kill what boss. So Benevolence is fighting that and making the server FFA. What my point here is: You may get your lixes ksed if your in Benevolence, but likely not if your in any other clan. Hopefully that clears it upThank you for the response and helping me with my decision regarding this server.Our server was not FFA it was run by two clans Pride & Aeon. Benevolence came along and turned the server into FFA. That's what I'm guessing you read. But yeah pretty much how it works here

Last edited by DarkDruid67-Taranis on Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DarkDruid67 Level 220+
Leader Of Revival

Leader Of Revival

Re: Curious
#5Benevolence, you guys can't just throw all the hatred right at pride aeon and paradogz. Every person in your clan was apart of one of the big three. All of you agreed to the rules stated before joining, all of you disobeyed these rules and regulations. This server has run on a point based and property rule since this game began. You all know that. What's the point of trying to end something that has been running for ages. Just because you guys messed up and aren't allowed back within the three, doesn't mean you need to ruin it. Also, do not say that it is only the top three that ks lixes. This is a completely two sided war and don't tell others on the outside lies about what is going on. That is all, Thank you 

Re: Curious
#6I have no love or hate for Bene but the idea that they don't KS is comical.
Spit (Mage 226)
lil druid (220)
Damaged Soul (211+)
Creeping Death (Ranger 200)
lil druid (220)
Damaged Soul (211+)
Creeping Death (Ranger 200)
Re: Curious
#7We ks your endgame boss rotations, 'ks' as you state. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen a Benevolence player ks anybody's lixes. Only Pride, Aeon, and Paradogz I've seen do that. Not trying to offend or anything, I've just never seen Benevolence ks lixes, and our leaders tell us not to. However there is a screenshot of the union leaders saying 'please ks benevolence as you see fit' just going by my facts, and Pimbso and Spit, you guys are nice people and don't ks.
again, sorry if I offended y'all lol.

DarkDruid67 Level 220+
Leader Of Revival

Leader Of Revival

Re: Curious
#8Actually, I have personally seen multiple reports of Benevolence members ksing Aeon/Peon (Peon - a clan of level 40-150 players who would get aquainted to server-etiquette, accustomed to Line, and connected with endgame players to receive advice) elixirs. We actually closed down Peon due to Bene's ksings and threats. Bene's disruptions also go beyond lock achievement, such as zerging players near Necro to force his health up, dragging spirits to Necro, and dragging trolls to Mordris.We ks your endgame boss rotations, 'ks' as you state. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen a Benevolence player ks anybody's lixes. Only Pride, Aeon, and Paradogz I've seen do that. Not trying to offend or anything, I've just never seen Benevolence ks lixes, and our leaders tell us not to. However there is a screenshot of the union leaders saying 'please ks benevolence as you see fit' just going by my facts, and Pimbso and Spit, you guys are nice people and don't ks.again, sorry if I offended y'all lol.
Aeon/Pride/Para don't arbitrarily ks elixirs.. You were part of the Union for a long time, I would expect you to know this.
As for that screenshot (which was a written declaration - not a verbal exchange), it was leaked before Aeon or Paradogz signed in agreement, and is by no means an accurate reflection of Aeon's anti-Benevolence efforts.
I like you Dark, please don't fall to misinformation.
Edit: Added second sentence to paragraph 1, and modified paragraph 2
World Taranis
- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn
Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United
I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!
- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn
Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United
I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!
Re: Curious
#10Ok I notice my mistake here. What I mean to say is, I haven't seen Benevolence ks any lixes myself, nor has anybody told me of it. Sorry about that lolActually, I have personally seen multiple reports of Benevolence members ksing Aeon/Peon (Peon - a clan of level 40-150 players who would get aquainted to server-etiquette, accustomed to Line, and connected with endgame players to receive advice) elixirs. We actually closed down Peon due to Bene's ksings and threats. Bene's disruptions also go beyond lock achievement, such as zerging players near Necro to force his health up, dragging spirits to Necro, and dragging trolls to Mordris.We ks your endgame boss rotations, 'ks' as you state. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen a Benevolence player ks anybody's lixes. Only Pride, Aeon, and Paradogz I've seen do that. Not trying to offend or anything, I've just never seen Benevolence ks lixes, and our leaders tell us not to. However there is a screenshot of the union leaders saying 'please ks benevolence as you see fit' just going by my facts, and Pimbso and Spit, you guys are nice people and don't ks.again, sorry if I offended y'all lol.
Aeon/Pride/Para don't arbitrarily ks elixirs.. You were part of the Union for a long time, I would expect you to know this.
As for that screenshot (which was a written declaration - not a verbal exchange), it was leaked before Aeon or Paradogz signed in agreement, and is by no means an accurate reflection of Aeon's anti-Benevolence efforts.
I like you Dark, please don't fall to misinformation.
Edit: Added second sentence to paragraph 1, and modified paragraph 2
DarkDruid67 Level 220+
Leader Of Revival

Leader Of Revival