i love it it shows the new commers the awesome potentual in this game!!
Is your primary motive to comment as much useless information as possible in order to get your post count higher?
Back to the topic at hand;
I haven't a clue why this post is still going, New heroes landing is useless and was a utter waste of time, period.
As I said in my first comment, the primary issue at hand is regen nothing more for
low levels. OTM trying to lay the new design on "Its to draw players in" is just not correct. I'm pretty damn sure the game drew enough players in, what they FAILED to do is keep them players. Also as I've stated previously it is certainly not (and that is a huge 'not') the image of the game or how it looks that is what players enjoy, it is the sense of accomplishment...which is why such dreadfully designed games such as runescape were such a success, there was
always something to do other than train your stats. This is a huge area at which CH lacks. Here's an overview of CH; Level, camp for armour. level, camp for more armour, level. It is just a never ending spiral, and this is why Crafting and Fishing will be such an imperative part of CH in order to move it forward as both a game and a business.