Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: OTM staff

Hey guys, it's been really nice reading through this thread and seeing all your interest in OTM :)

Whenever I play, I play on Balor, as I am a big fan of Android devices and my main character is a level 187 Rogue.

Unfortunately due to work and home life commitments I've not been online in a while :( but you can be sure that with what we have planned for this year I will be back!
ah from EXODUS :D
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: OTM staff

Muldar is beginning to remind me of another player I knew on another mobile MMO lol In a good way :p It's nice hearing non-cookie-cutter responses or something that sounds scripted from a staff member regarding the game.

I can believe you're actually trying to get our concerns across to the right people at OTM but I have one question regarding this, are they actually listening to it? I can't remember ever hearing from them directly about our concerns and their plans to improve anything
Thanks you *Insert Player Name Here* it was good hearing from you!


Just kidding Sasuke :lol: I've never been one for just default replies.

In answer to your question, 100% Yes. The team are constantly on here and all have a passion for the game and the community, you may not always hear from them but they are always listening.

You just get little old me chatting to you instead ;)
i have 3 main questions, feel free not to answer them as they relate to your 'secret' toon.

1 do you have a separate forum account for that toon?

2 would you say what world you are from or is that too much information? if you say Epona i think i know who you are 8-)

3 have you ever told anyone ingame who is friends with your 200 toon that your muldar? :roll:
1. There was a period of time where I created one but decided to leave it, I spend enough time on the forums anymore and I'd never leave!

2. Possibly too much info :lol: I think if I gave it away a select few would guess pretty quickly.

3. Not yet, I might but I do like the anonymity, nice to just chill and play sometimes (Side note: If anyone says I am Muldar can you give me X, they are not me)
Thanks for all the feedback Muldar! I have a few nab questions myself if you have time ;)

-Could all BOE (Bind on Equip) be removed aside from quest items? Specifically past Event drops like Silverweb.

-Will we ever see an Auction House or Market for Buying and Selling?

-Are there plans for any Event lux to go higher than level 190?

-When wearing 2 diff bracer's with regen could we see those both being utilized as opposed to just one bracer's regen?

-When can we expect Event Rings to actually be good again? Are the days of good rings like Reaper and Huntsman over? I say this because over the past year the Event Rings have really been terrible.

-What is being done to help promote the game and get more players joining our worlds?

-Would we ever have an option to change our In game name or have an option to transfer to another world that uses the same platform? (Apple/Android)

Hey Ir0n!

1. Potentially? I guess that would be at the decision of the design team, I've been using this thread to take notes on issues so I'll add that.

2. I think so, we want to add things to the game the community would love and I think that would be a part of it :) It is still on our list of focuses so I hope so!

3. Not certain, I'd have to ask Design on that one, not heard any plans on it.

4. Probably not, I think the initial case of that happening was a bug? Stargem? There is a post from Esq somewhere detailing it.

5. I'd say rings like that will probably come back. Maybe not in that exact form but similar.

6. Lots! We are always looking at metrics and trying to get the brand out there. always tell your friends to play though, you never know who you will get joining you questing ;)
As for the population of worlds we are looking into that a lot and doing somewhat of a server rotation of default starting worlds to boost player numbers.

7. Most likely! I think it is a piece of functionality we would all like to see in the game, lot of logistics behind it but I think we will see it at some point.
Poor Muldar xD

Why all the questions? Have him take pictures secretly of the staff and offices (make it hush hush and be ninja silent) and post it all right here.

My challenge for you Muldar is to take a pic of all staff members wo them noticing and post it here!

(On a more serious note, dont post wo them knowing, thats a breech lol)

Gogo Muldja (Mulda + Ninja) -_0
Bring on all the questions! ;)

Haha I think they would have some disagreements especially with candid photos!


I was going to post my character but then I remembered the leader boards are a thing sorry guys.

I quite enjoy the anonymity and playing the game without a tag to my name.

If you don't believe I have a toon that high that is perfectly fine I would understand.

Re: OTM staff

Has every server an active OTM staff member? At least 150+?
Alot servers have competition, do you people avoid these clans?
Muldar are you the highest level OTM staff member (no boosts)
Herne - LazyDrunks

Ranger 222Mage 220
Rogue 222
Warrior 221
Warrior 207

Re: OTM staff

Has every server an active OTM staff member? At least 150+?
Alot servers have competition, do you people avoid these clans?
Muldar are you the highest level OTM staff member (no boosts)
1. Probably not, due to time it takes leveling etc. We never really said "You this server, you that server". Me and Dexxa ended up on same server by chance. We usually have "OTM -" on every server.

2. I guess so? I personally would rather avoid drama and clan fights so I keep pretty quiet and just chat to everyone.

3. Not sure? Design may have one or two toons higher than me but I never really ask just know about them. I prefer playing as Muldar anyway.

Re: OTM staff

-why is OTM so closed-mouthed? I think that is one of the biggest problems...you guys very rarely tell us exactly what you are working on. I understand that you don't want to disappoint us..but it is even more disappointing when we try to think the best of you and hope that maybe you did all the things that we have been asking for since before Adam, and then the "big update" is not what we are hoping for. It hurts you a lot imo. If you told us what you are planning on, maybe opened a discussion topic with polls on different things that you want to do, and then LISTENED to our feedback, it would benefit you greatly. It's all well and good for you to say that this year many cool things are coming out. But you have to remember that you are talking to a community that has been disappointed a lot and that feels like their feedback has been for the most part ignored. And again...it's all well and good to say that you listen to us, or that you take notes, or that you read every idea...but that has to be proven. You guys have a great community of people who really have great ideas for the game...but it feels like many times you guys do what you want to do instead of what has been asked for. And look...I like OTM. You guys are very likeable and you do try to stay connected to the community and that is very cool, and I think that CH has a lot of potential. But you need to listen to the player base. And I know you will say that you do, and that may be true! But you need to prove it by actually doing some of our ideas.
Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."


Junior Journalist of the Dal Riata Daily Enquirer

Proud Clansman of Divergent

Re: OTM staff

2. I guess so? I personally would rather avoid drama and clan fights so I keep pretty quiet and just chat to everyone.
Pretty sure it was a secret Muldar ksing my xp lix :lol: :lol:
1v1 me in the castle bro! :lol:
-why is OTM so closed-mouthed? I think that is one of the biggest problems...you guys very rarely tell us exactly what you are working on. I understand that you don't want to disappoint us..but it is even more disappointing when we try to think the best of you and hope that maybe you did all the things that we have been asking for since before Adam, and then the "big update" is not what we are hoping for. It hurts you a lot imo. If you told us what you are planning on, maybe opened a discussion topic with polls on different things that you want to do, and then LISTENED to our feedback, it would benefit you greatly. It's all well and good for you to say that this year many cool things are coming out. But you have to remember that you are talking to a community that has been disappointed a lot and that feels like their feedback has been for the most part ignored. And again...it's all well and good to say that you listen to us, or that you take notes, or that you read every idea...but that has to be proven. You guys have a great community of people who really have great ideas for the game...but it feels like many times you guys do what you want to do instead of what has been asked for. And look...I like OTM. You guys are very likeable and you do try to stay connected to the community and that is very cool, and I think that CH has a lot of potential. But you need to listen to the player base. And I know you will say that you do, and that may be true! But you need to prove it by actually doing some of our ideas.
I think it is the same for most video game companies to an extent, sometimes you will get "Year Plans" or "Timelines" but even those are very vague.

Currently there is a big push for horizontal content based upon player feedback, sure it may not be the exact update people want (One may want fishing while others may want crafting) but i think it is a good direction taken by the team.

A lot of the future plans may not be conveyed currently as it is content we are working on which you never know may or may not come out, then you have the problem of miss communication which can greatly hurt a playerbase.

I can understand when players feel upset their feedback is not implemented as I am part of the community here but I think we also have consider the Design Team wants to create content that they believe will impact the game (Not trying to defend them here).

I would like to see more community feedback implemented and i think a lot of the feedback is (Always want more), currently a lot of Spring is getting re done based on player feedback and the horizontal push is also based off player feedback.

It is an interesting point.

Re: OTM staff

I just wanted to say that this topic and muldars continued response to it has been amazing.

I think that it should continue as a weekly question and answer periodical from muldar where we submit questions, he picks the top 5-10 an answers them on the forum.

It is a good beginning to the open connection between otm and the player base.

Thanks for all the responses!

Re: OTM staff

As far as I'm concerned,

My question would be has otm ever thought about reworking the effectiveness of Restos for high lvl toons?

1k was a lot of hp when I was lvl 100 but now that I am 220 + it's barely a drop in the bucket.

Is there anyway you could base them off of a percentage of a players total hp?

Then they would forever scale with our toons and the new game content.

Re: OTM staff

I just wanted to say that this topic and muldars continued response to it has been amazing.

I think that it should continue as a weekly question and answer periodical from muldar where we submit questions, he picks the top 5-10 an answers them on the forum.

It is a good beginning to the open connection between otm and the player base.

Thanks for all the responses!
Glad you enjoy it! :) Fun just chatting to the community!

That is actually a pretty fun idea :lol:
As far as I'm concerned,

My question would be has otm ever thought about reworking the effectiveness of Restos for high lvl toons?

1k was a lot of hp when I was lvl 100 but now that I am 220 + it's barely a drop in the bucket.

Is there anyway you could base them off of a percentage of a players total hp?

Then they would forever scale with our toons and the new game content.
1. I have discussed the idea of different versions of restos that could be bought by higher leveled players / changes to restos for high level toons.
I believe there is a thread on it somewhere. Not sure what the conclusion to that was I may chase it up again.

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