I was referring to recent changes during my nearly year here.
Not all changes are made to just affect end game players but the player base and game as a whole.
A lot of feedback over the years are all about raid bosses, this is where all players eventually end up and this is where most plat are spent on.
I'd like to see more reward vs effort/resources spent. Over the years, we have asked for Hrungnir loot to be re-evaluated. His rings are trash.
We have asked for better drop rates for higher tiers from end-game bosses are most mighty/majestic/royal items are trash. Guess what OTM did to Necro? They added a lower tier - Grand that's even more trash.
We have asked for Event bosses to be worth it to kill - instead OTM gave them a lot more HP, nerfed class damage on some of them, and made loot even more trash.
The only good change I've seen to end-game play is removing Bind-on-Equip on raid loot last year, but again, that's after the petition started in 2012. Too many years too late, and a lot of event rings are still BoE.
There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure
A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.