Teach me your waysi lvld 2 druids 4 rangers 87 rogues 381 warriors and a mage to 250 no plat no lixs no edl no dl no armour,#AgreeWIthAdrith #InBeforeThatGuyWhoSaysHeLeveledADruidWithNoPlatTo225

Teach me your waysi lvld 2 druids 4 rangers 87 rogues 381 warriors and a mage to 250 no plat no lixs no edl no dl no armour,#AgreeWIthAdrith #InBeforeThatGuyWhoSaysHeLeveledADruidWithNoPlatTo225
um what? are you high? im in favour of fixing their issues which is why i pointed out that rogues are so superior in damage so druids should get a buff in damage as insta cast lightning clearly isnt enoughWhether or not u grace them with ur presence in their lvling group, not being in their favor to fix their issues is in fact selfishness.
i love how much you judged me.
i stated a fact not my personal opinion. i have levelled a rogue with a druid and then after awhile i dropped the druid cause rogue earned way more solo.
i have levelled with tons of druids and would never turn down one so id thank you not to call me selfish or 'disconnected'
hate druids? we all level with them when we can and our server has probably the most active druids 215+ out of any other server so there you go
So what if u group them? Does it mean they have any less problems? If needed Id lvl with 5 druids at once but that would not take their problems away as a class.
No it wasnt clear when u said that they slow u down without actually stating 'and thats why they need to be fixed'. Misunderstanding then.
um what? are you high? im in favour of fixing their issues which is why i pointed out that rogues are so superior in damage so druids should get a buff in damage as insta cast lightning clearly isnt enough
AmenThe best way to level a druid is to multiboxThat's what I do!
My way of fixing druids would be:
- give them more auto attack DPS
- Drop energy usage a lot on vines/strike/bees/storm/wind, and make them STR modified, not FOC
This would approximate a separate talent tree for DPS, where FOC would be the "healing" talent tree. You can go hybrid still, splitting STR and FOC (even putting in a little DEX for evades) to get heals and DPS. But you would have to make a choice, do you sacrifice healing power for DPS, or sacrifice DPS for healing power?
I suggested this a long time ago, and people didn't like the idea. I still stand by it though
*Edit* Also consolidate fire/ice/magic wards into one ward, and crush/slash/pierce wards into one. Fix Spring of Life, remove rescue.
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