Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: hey hey

sure whatever you say man, one last thing

its kinda funny that if you actually want to take geleb you need *the trash of crom*, you cant get your ppl online to take it but we can make up the lost numbers
Crom Warrior 223 JasonZ
Crom Mage 220 Ronald Mcdonald
Crom Rogue 221 Big Mac
Crom Ranger 190 Large Fries
Crom Druid 220 Ziruu

Re: hey hey

That's the difference between us and you guys Jason, we don't lower our standards and recruit a bunch of people just so we can kill stuff.
Shadowbolt3- 224 Rogue
Shadmistress- 188 Mage
Shadowbolt2- 113 Warrior (Retired)
Helaman- 157 Locker Rogue
ShadShot- 89 Ranger
Shadow Bolt- 82 Druid
Raganos- 100 Warrior
World: Crom
Proud member of Seed

Re: hey hey

eyyyyy here comes shad

what standards do you actually have?? just be clear with me because ive heard some pretty bad unfathomable about a lot of people in seed
Crom Warrior 223 JasonZ
Crom Mage 220 Ronald Mcdonald
Crom Rogue 221 Big Mac
Crom Ranger 190 Large Fries
Crom Druid 220 Ziruu

Re: hey hey

Well we rejected you when you applied, so at least our standards are higher than SI. :)

We are never recruiting the trash in SI, and we will eventually kill Gelebron when our newest recruits level up. You guys almost never kill EDL, and are like 3 years late to getting DL weapons (which are worse than the level 200 lux weapons...).

So you can keep making all this BS up and stressing yourself to camp every troll and bolg, and we will continue to grow and enjoy the game. I'm done talking to trash.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: hey hey

If you dont like having a dominant clan on the server CH is not for you, it is not opressive for a clan to want to gear their members and dedicate time to ensuring they get geared over another clan. Its also not optessive to only take in members they like
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: hey hey

Well we rejected you when you applied, so at least our standards are higher than SI. :)

We are never recruiting the trash in SI, and we will eventually kill Gelebron when our newest recruits level up. You guys almost never kill EDL, and are like 3 years late to getting DL weapons (which are worse than the level 200 lux weapons...).

So you can keep making all this BS up and stressing yourself to camp every troll and bolg, and we will continue to grow and enjoy the game. I'm done talking to trash.
bahahaha the funny thing is you think that i am a bad person when i have given so much to the people of crom, not just si but i have personally went out of my way to help people from other clans. and gtfo pigman go back to morrigan this is none of your business ;) but hey im trash :lol: so enjoy being on your high horse while it lasts
Crom Warrior 223 JasonZ
Crom Mage 220 Ronald Mcdonald
Crom Rogue 221 Big Mac
Crom Ranger 190 Large Fries
Crom Druid 220 Ziruu

Re: hey hey

Did you not read my post?

90% of servers are like this. From memory, only Taranis and Epona have clans that share bosses.

Once again making stuff up to make yourself feel better. Boo hoo.
Your clan does actually kill things you dont need armo ive seen it many times when ohana and enrage was your comp.
The only things that matter are these; what a man can do, and what a man can't do
-Captain Jack Sparrow
Arawn Clan: Resurgence
MickyDee (Ice Mage lvl 221)
Rerun (lvl 154 rogue)

World: Crom (MickJagger lvl 216)

Re: hey hey

Well Mick, resurgence kills all DL bosses from what I've heard, so we're not as bad in terms of domination. Which proves that Seed is not alone in this regard.

Jason you're doing a good job avoiding the points I've brought up lmao.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: hey hey

Well Mick, resurgence kills all DL bosses from what I've heard, so we're not as bad in terms of domination. Which proves that Seed is not alone in this regard.

Jason you're doing a good job avoiding the points I've brought up lmao.
I thought you were done talking to trash... when are you gonna stfu?
Crom Warrior 223 JasonZ
Crom Mage 220 Ronald Mcdonald
Crom Rogue 221 Big Mac
Crom Ranger 190 Large Fries
Crom Druid 220 Ziruu

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