Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Scammer warning

Scammers have various tactics, not just asking for loan or test of item...

I lost a reasonably powered sword, level 50, to a Warrior scammer. No biggie: I'm a Druid. But it was a case of offering to buy then dropping trade at just the exact second. Don't know even now how he did it.

Loads of scamming going on right now due to new event and desirability of pets. Be warned!

Re: Scammer warning

The biggest scammers are the ones who got clan items that everyone worked for years and then they leave with them claiming they are the ones who worked hard for them.
This is exactly what happened to one of the end-game clans a while ago on Arawn, chief decided to ditch the clan and took the whole bank with him that everyone worked hard on getting

Re: Scammer warning

It's all good, btw everything it was the first nightwing design but it's back inside our clan now so atleast that's one upside to it all
Ah well gz on the return, and good work warning others
Would you kindly?


Re: Scammer warning

It's all good, btw everything it was the first nightwing design but it's back inside our clan now so atleast that's one upside to it all
Ah well gz on the return, and good work warning others
Edit the owner inside of the clan is trying hard to sell it so probably not for long lol.

Re: Scammer warning

It's all good, btw everything it was the first nightwing design but it's back inside our clan now so atleast that's one upside to it all
Ah well gz on the return, and good work warning others
Edit the owner inside of the clan is trying hard to sell it so probably not for long lol.
Just curious why fashion items like the flyer are important to keep in clan. I can understand trying to get back to the owner, but in clan I don't get.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Scammer warning

Just curious why fashion items like the flyer are important to keep in clan. I can understand trying to get back to the owner, but in clan I don't get.[/quote]

Because they like to show off rares it's like their flagship that goes to bosses kinda.

Re: Scammer warning

^^ so the original owner knows who has it.
LordOfDiablos: 228 Support Rogue
HealerOfEvil: 180 Support Druid
ButcherOfEvil: 180 Tank Warrior
Proud General of Enigma!
'Lord, you look like a gay detective moose' Limbro, 2015

Re: Scammer warning

Thank you for listing my initials, dread.

and yea guys... be afraid of me

The scammer speaks, gtfo
Dynamit1 - 215 Druid
Dynasaur - 205 Mage
Dynamit3 - 223 Rogue
Dynamit4 - 220 Warrior
Dynamit5 - 217 Ranger

Re: Scammer warning

You make it seem like I'm trying to trust something other than another human being, not everyone is the typical scammer you think if you lend them items, in some cases they are but the majority of the time they aren't

tbh, i never had the intention of scamming....even when dread lent me that fb skull.....and when dil lent me that mount.

I was just infuriated that day at snorri but dil managed to talk me out of quitting over a crown... then like a few days passed and something unfathomable just happened irl, wasnt my best days i'd say..... tried to play some ch to lighten my mood but ofc theres
people like skin and your unfathomable luck to ruin the game for you... idk man i was just so pissed and mad and unfathomable so i just idk i just decided to quit... i know you guys will not care for my apologies........ who would after what i had done. but idc i talked to jeenx about it.... i dont want to play anymore but i'd like to just say sorry. Well you won't care anyways so ciao

dont be a d***head like me(-;

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