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Re: Ring bosses/patch?

I disagree. Dl spite and edl spite are technically the same skill but with different amount of skills pts. Its like dl and edl boon, u cant have both at once or it would be quite op, why would rogues be able to? Well overall, thats the added bonus to an edl offhand I assume, more than being the extra dmg (which is great bonus), its also the superiority given on dl spite.
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Re: Ring bosses/patch?

DL should be able to override EDL on anything outside the tower. EDL should be irresistible inside the tower. Makes sense?
World - Sulis
Clan - Toxic

H3ROsRogue - lvl 220 rogue
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H3ROsLocker - lvl 190 rogue

Can't imagine losing kills to a ranger in 2019.

Re: Ring bosses/patch?

I would have to agree with I would have to agree with Naruto on this either they should both be usable at the same time or they should both override the other like it was before that way even if you don't have a EDL offhand you are still able to compete as it is now a dragon Lord off hand is completely useless if the other lock group has an EDL offhand which isn't really fair to rogues considering mages and Rangers dl offhands rnt useless cause they r personal buff and just a blast attack not DOT so both offhands r still useful no matter what the other group has

Re: Ring bosses/patch?

It's not really fair to people who put the effort in to getting edl offhands if dl can just override it either.
Shadowbolt3- 224 Rogue
Shadmistress- 188 Mage
Shadowbolt2- 113 Warrior (Retired)
Helaman- 157 Locker Rogue
ShadShot- 89 Ranger
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Raganos- 100 Warrior
World: Crom
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Re: Ring bosses/patch?

Or just make rondel skill a self-buff like rangers, which is an extreme change, but I think it's only fair overall.

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Re: Ring bosses/patch?

Or just make rondel skill a self-buff like rangers, which is an extreme change, but I think it's only fair overall.
are you not the person who fought to make DL Spite resist while EDL Spite is active? Why not suggest this in the first place instead of changing something twice?

I can't speak for worlds with no competition because you don't have the opportunity to overcast during lock battles and coordinate a rondel order, but it's a hell of a lot of fun and requires concentration to win locks and provides another probability in lock battles. Don't try and change this if you want a self buff offhand I suggest just making a ranger :)
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Re: Ring bosses/patch?

Or just make rondel skill a self-buff like rangers, which is an extreme change, but I think it's only fair overall.
I agree with Ail here, the rogue DL offhand is essentially obsolete when it comes to lock battles for the underdog clan, making it a self buff would be much more beneficial, it would be a drastic change yes, but everyone would eventually get accustomed to it.

It would in retrospect be kind of like the mages E-Shield skill change. For those who didn't play early on in the game, e-shield use to directly deplete your mana pool, instead of giving you a x-amount of protection, it changed into what we know today, and though it took a little time to get adjust to the change, we ultimately did and I think the same should be done for the offhand.
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Re: Ring bosses/patch?

Numb-nuts are missing the point. The EDL skill is different from the DL skill. Why should the EDL overlap the DL? Indeed they work the same way, but one is simply an evolution... A new skill on a different item. You'd be an idiot to compare these to frostbite, vines, incinerate, etc. Simply because those skills are the only one of their kind, and whoever has the highest output is going to cause all others to be resisted. This suggestion has been long made before to allow both to work, and I don't see why they shouldn't.

The argument that OP is making is interesting, because the skill rangers cast is on themselves. So in effect, any and all rangers can use their EDL/DL skill to full potential, whereas rogues have to share the EDL/DL skills they have because one can only be up at a time on a boss, and EDL overlaps DL (which it shouldn't).
A level 10 rupture overlaps level 5 rupture. Are you saying they should both have dot active at same time because the level 10 is stronger?

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