Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

How does OTM decide what game changes are a priority

Over a year ago, when you have a DoT on you such as Withering Pox or Arcane Conflagration, you can still interact with Quest NPCs or open your mailbox.
Somewhere along the line, some OTM developer thought that shouldn't be allowed, so they changed it so that you can't do anything until you're out of combat mode.

What baffles me is that this change wasn't really necessary, I mean what harm does it do to allow you to open a mailbox while in combat?
But somehow this got changed before any other pressing issues. So I'm curious what is considered high priority that stuff like this gets "fixed" but anything that players are asking for have very low priority?

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: How does OTM decide what game changes are a priority

Muldar carefully compares and documents all user feedback. The design team evaluates all the updates and player requested changes. Lots of stuff is included to make sure everything is there.

Then it's thrown down a stairwell and the three items that sail farthest get implemented. I think they teach this method to most first year business students, it's an industry standard process.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
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Re: How does OTM decide what game changes are a priority

Muldar carefully compares and documents all user feedback. The design team evaluates all the updates and player requested changes. Lots of stuff is included to make sure everything is there.

Then it's thrown down a stairwell and the three items that sail farthest get implemented. I think they teach this method to most first year business students, it's an industry standard process.
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Re: How does OTM decide what game changes are a priority

So THIS explains the change in when the Sigil timer kicks in. I wondered what Muldar was talking about.

http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =6&t=85266

This change is costing people Lix time (Lixes cost RL money) and make Sigils less effective (which we buy with RL cash). So it won't be "fixed" because it isn't broken. Mmmm lovely.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea

Epona (The little server that could)

Re: How does OTM decide what game changes are a priority

The "Combat Mode" entity interactions change was based upon the player character still being able to be attacked while within NPC dialogue.

Meaning a player could die whilst in a quest hand in or a vendor. Weighing up the two options it was decided to keep this function.


Most "Game Changes" are decided upon by Admin, Design Team, Art Director and Programming Lead.

Regular meetings are held in relation to game direction updates and additions.

So THIS explains the change in when the Sigil timer kicks in. I wondered what Muldar was talking about.

http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =6&t=85266

This change is costing people Lix time (Lixes cost RL money) and make Sigils less effective (which we buy with RL cash). So it won't be "fixed" because it isn't broken. Mmmm lovely.
No unrelated. What Aileron is referring to is "Combat Mode".

Sigils work on server tick which has been that way since creation of the game (Much like every other game)

Elixirs work instantly (I'd want to do further testing on that but if it ran off tick it still would not activate until the tick most likely giving you extra time)

Re: How does OTM decide what game changes are a priority

So THIS explains the change in when the Sigil timer kicks in. I wondered what Muldar was talking about.
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =6&t=85266
This change is costing people Lix time (Lixes cost RL money) and make Sigils less effective (which we buy with RL cash). So it won't be "fixed" because it isn't broken. Mmmm lovely.
No unrelated. What Aileron is referring to is "Combat Mode".
Sigils work on server tick which has been that way since creation of the game (Much like every other game)
Elixirs work instantly (I'd want to do further testing on that but if it ran off tick it still would not activate until the tick most likely giving you extra time)
But are you are correct here?

The OP noticed a change to combat mode. I also noticed (and others) that at some point the combat mode seemed to last longer than it did previously and that the Sigil Timer appears not to start until Combat mode is exited. End result longer for Sigils to work.

A change to Combat mode for one purpose may have caused another unintended problem.

I don't need to remind older players that Sigils for casters previously worked while they were healing or buffing Toons who WERE in combat. A change was made that indirectly caused Sigils to stop this behaviour. So no direct change to Sigils but their in game effects changed. OTM didn't know about this at first and told forum users Sigils had not changed, correct only as far as it went.

Even if you are correct how will this be changed? When the Mob dies you should not have to wait a full Tick before you leave combat. Why not make this Client side and then have the server confirm or rollback as necessary.

Explaining why the game isn't working correctly isn't the same as confirming that the designers intend to fix it (eventually).

I don't know how your Dev work is prioritised but where I work once an issue is reported If it isn't fixed in the the current release the issue is pushed to the next release and fights for Dev hours all over again.

My point is nothing is forgotten.

Also I only mentioned Lixes because time is wasted on them while we wait longer for Sigils to work between kills.

Sorry OP for hijacking topic.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea

Epona (The little server that could)

Re: How does OTM decide what game changes are a priority

But are you are correct here?

The OP noticed a change to combat mode. I also noticed (and others) that at some point the combat mode lasted longer than it did previously and that the Sigil Timer appears not to start until Combat mode is exited.

A change to Combat mode for one purpose may have caused another unintended problem.

Im sure I don't need to remind you that Sigils for casters previously worked while they were healing or buffing Toons who WERE in combat. A change was made that indirectly caused Sigils to stop this behaviour. So no direct change to Sigils but their in game effects changed. OTM didn't know about this at first and told forum users Sigils had not changed, correct only as far as it went.

Even if you are correct how will this be changed? When the Mob dies you should not have to wait a full Tick before you leave combat. Why not make this Client side and then have the server confirm or rollback as necessary.

Explaining why the game isn't working correctly isn't the same as confirming that the designers intend to fix it (eventually).

I don't know how your Dev work is prioritised but where I work we have a (large) % allocated each release to fee for service and cost reduction ie money making and several other dev hour buckets. If something isn't fixed in the the current release the issue is pushed to the next release and fights for Dev hours all over again.

My point is nothing is forgotten.

Sorry OP for hijacking topic.
The combat mode should not last longer than previously (I'd have to double check with Design) as it runs off universal server ticks which has never changed.

Aileron was saying in his post
"Over a year ago, when you have a DoT on you such as Withering Pox or Arcane Conflagration, you can still interact with Quest NPCs"
He was not referring to the tick rate being longer. What he is describing is how when you are in "Combat Mode" by having an effect on you you are unable to interact with entities which he is saying was previously not in the game.

You would not wait an entire tick, you would be waiting for the next one to tick over which is usually around a few seconds even less.
This is correct. The server needs to verify you are out of combat and uses ticks to calculate various client / server communication mechanics.
Client side would not work as you said it would still have to send / receive data to the server.

Further details on Netcode / Tick Rate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netcode

(May be better to PM me as to not take this off topic)

Re: How does OTM decide what game changes are a priority

The "Combat Mode" entity interactions change was based upon the player character still being able to be attacked while within NPC dialogue.

Meaning a player could die whilst in a quest hand in or a vendor. Weighing up the two options it was decided to keep this function.
But what was the issue of dying while on a quest dialog? Didn't think there was any unless some quest bug occurs if that happens. I think it's the players fault for using a mailbox while a mob is aggro.

The majority of player base shouldn't be penalized because of carelessness of newbies.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

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