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Scammer alert on herne/crom

[Removed] on herne is a major scammer. Please don't xfer any of his gear, buy his toon. OR buy end game Druid gear from a low lvl toon because it'll be him. His other names on crom are [Removed] a 190 rsnger, 220 rogue named [Removed] on crom. He also has a toon on arawn. Help spread the word to warn and aware people please!

He did a lot to gain everyone's trust. He had info to a toon. He said he took a month break for school so he deleted game. Other day the clan toons info was changed. We simpled it down to who knew it. Then simpled it down to abt when it was changed. He tried to be smart and wipe and change the account info during clan night times when no one or barely anyone would be on. Few of our clannies saw him that night and saw his toon and the toon that's info was changed logging in and out 5-7 times. Both running back and forth from the bank and mail. He was then seen wearing the toon he scammed's rarest charm and certain gear items that our clannies were easily able to tell that those items were taken off the scammed account. He quickly took all the gear off and log off. When we found out the next day, I contacted his gf to which his gf said he had the game deleted but when we said he logged in last night, quick said yeah I logged "once for 1 min" when he was seen logging back and forth 5-6 times running back and forth from bank to mail. It was alternative, he logged in made a trip to babk and Mail then the scammed toon logged on and made a trip to bank and mail.
Last edited by Anonymous on Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Names Removed: Naming and Shaming Rule - Last warning. [Names have been passed on to Support]

Re: Scammer alert on herne/crom

do you know his arawn name?
if ur thinkin that hes the ventius on arawn, hes not lol. the ventius on arawn is wilfordbetus on crom lol. wilfordbetus took quickstrikers rangers name lol. just to let u know:)
Ik its not wilfordbetus who did the scamming :p ( do have someone else in mind )
Reanstinse, 200+ edl armour/dl MH + OH Warrior
Proud clansman of Resurgence

Re: Scammer alert on herne/crom

Lol? We told you and your crew when you transferred to Crom to help out Quick's clan that he was untrustworthy and had scammed the bank of his previous clan.. Did you guys just assume it was petty trash talk and then go ahead to take him under your wing?

You brought this onto yourself as much as it sucks, hopefully he quits playing altogether.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Scammer alert on herne/crom

I'm simply warning people of crom and herne. Not here to listen to your lecture because it's the norm for people to say " I told you so ". I don't remember anyone saying he's a scammer because all I heard was u guys didn't like each other and it was all trash talk. 0 talk about him being a scammer. I do hope he doesn't make it anywhere, nor does his gf whose reportedly already scammed a couple of people on arawn endgame right after quick pulled this off. I hope both of them get a taste of their own medicine

Re: Scammer alert on herne/crom

Ayo I posted this several times AND said it dozens of times in game. Lol. He's a piece of unfathomable, loser bumsack that can't get anywhere without scamming. He stole my dl and many other things from two clans previous. Punk. His gf sweet/maybelline is apart of his little scamming escapades as well. Pretty sure he has a few peoples accounts on crom too. He's a dirtbag. Jose Canecho is or was his kik name. I've stated this all so many times.

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