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Wtf! Regens doesnt stack waste of money


Im DruidLuuk on Morrigan. I bought today an Sunshard Attack Braclet to go with my Sunshard Defense Braclet and im not a rich mofo, and i tryed m on, and they dont stack WTF the regens doesn't work! So why not?!?! Thats some bs. And plzz dont come and say Yeah thats to overpowerd cuz 2 lvl 10 braclets of rupture arent op?.

Same for lvl 50 energy braces i have a normal one ans the glitched version of it and they dont stack aswell......

So please explain ive wasted money trying to get a refund from the player, but probaly wont work.....

Much love Luuk

Re: what! Regens doesnt stack waste of money

Same slot regens haven't stacked in a long time.
Wait so ANY regen items don't stack in the same slots? The new event lux braces and rings don't mention that, that's a bit of vital information lol
Sunshard braces and later/earlier event braces stack, though. I think it's because the regen icons have a slightly different name.
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'Lord, you look like a gay detective moose' Limbro, 2015

Re: what! Regens doesnt stack waste of money

So if i contact aupport in game, they will make it stack?
My english aint that good to understand all that xD. I have 2 Sunshards ammy (Defence and Attack) both 20 per tick so that doesnt stack. But if i contact support in game they make it will? But what if i take it of for other gear or want to use on alt? Or will they just give my money back? Lol i dont think that haha

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