by Jake
I never understood the account sharing policy.
Hundreds of people across all the servers and end game clans do it every day, and there are never any consequences. On the other hand there are people who do it and get reported by somebody who doesn't like them, as the case stated in op, and they get banned straight away. This selective banning really isn't acceptable. You can't ban somebody simply over the basis of them being reported over others, who commit the exact same acts, but go unreported and unpunished.
The reasoning behind the no account sharing rule is so OTM does not receive an influx of support tickets having to deal with it. What I don't get is, if this is the reasoning, why not just leave it as discouraged? If people want to share their toons, who cares, let them. But if they get scammed it's their own problem and their own fault. OTM should have no part to play in account sharing, be it banning people for doing it or helping people who were scammed. Warn people of the dangers of doing it and that's all, stay out of whatever people choose to do after that.
If you have clan members who share their toons in secret and don't tell anyone in the clan that it isn't them playing, they really aren't good clan members. Does this actually happen? I have never heard of or seen any case where somebody other than the original owner playing an account would go unnoticed for more than a day.
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