Re: Things you remember from CH in the past!
#32Waiting for Chrisk and his three alts to finish the gladiator... 

Re: Things you remember from CH in the past!
#33My best memory would be back when I played on Belenus, I was in an old clan named VIP which was run by Aphrodite and she would hold these clan combo sales where combos would sell for 4k a piece to clan members only. That was probably the single most fun clan I've ever been in. Sadly they merged with Illuminati which died shortly after we merged
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh
-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-
-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-
Re: Things you remember from CH in the past!
#34killing the massive snowmen in the field by highshore
Re: Things you remember from CH in the past!
#35Massive 2-3 hr battles for Aggy (before rage was implemented)
Loot with random stats (before Stonevale)
Warden collection quest
Being able to afk and kill stuff while you slept overnight
Loot with random stats (before Stonevale)
Warden collection quest
Being able to afk and kill stuff while you slept overnight
Pre-Update 5
Deucaleon- 203
Brightblade- 201
Pre-Update 4
Deucaleon-Warrior level 161
Pre-update 3
Deucaleon-Warrior level 105
Drucaleon-Druid level 90
Brightblade-Rogue level 101
Deucalion-Ranger level 90
Ducaleon-Mage level 96
Deucaleon- 203
Brightblade- 201
Pre-Update 4
Deucaleon-Warrior level 161
Pre-update 3
Deucaleon-Warrior level 105
Drucaleon-Druid level 90
Brightblade-Rogue level 101
Deucalion-Ranger level 90
Ducaleon-Mage level 96
Re: Things you remember from CH in the past!
#36I remember doing that with the wisps in stonevale and only killed about 4 then crashed ._.Being able to afk and kill stuff while you slept overnight
Rogue - Bugs 221
Been a Celtic Heroes Shill since 2011 ._.
"There are so many bugs in this game that sometimes it feels like I’m playing Starship Troopers"
Rogue - Bugs 221
Been a Celtic Heroes Shill since 2011 ._.
"There are so many bugs in this game that sometimes it feels like I’m playing Starship Troopers"
Re: Things you remember from CH in the past!
#37Some things I miss the most would be:
Running around in Stonevale with 40 other people.
Killing the event bosses from 2011 Halloween and Christmas. I thoroughly enjoyed killing the Winterking. However, a bug with that was that the first item that dropped was a hammer, but it was bugged and turned into a chicken. Then it ultimately disappeared after logging out to restart the app.
Killing Donn and his disciples was very fun. I feel bad that storyline was kind of cut short. Really, it was interesting, and they could have made such a big story out of that and go from there. Plus when you think about it... An Avatar/Incarnation and his Disciples of a Celtic God at such low levels nowadays is rather shocking. It could have been big.
I'll add more later. Dinner time

I'll add more later. Dinner time

Re: Things you remember from CH in the past!
#38Glitch in the old castle from before redclaw and its counterparts were put in the game, between the house harry hammers stood at and the tree to the left of it
Re: Things you remember from CH in the past!
#39Egbert the Florist. Best mob OTM ever made 

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Re: Things you remember from CH in the past!
What did he drop????
What did he drop????
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh
-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-
-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-