Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Account recovery

Hi OTM I'm trying to recovery an account which I have my email linked up too but I don't know the username. I know the name of the character and the server.

Re: Account recovery

Hi iJoin,

Please email us at [email protected] with the following:

• Account Username
• Account creation date (estimate)
• Character names, levels and worlds on the account
• Platinum purchases (values) on the account
• Premium purchases (items/upgrades)
• Trades on the account
• Some banked items on a particular character

The more details you provide the faster we can assist.


Re: Account recovery

I have lost my account details is there anyway to recover it. I remember only my email address and some other details. How can I recover it cause the levels pretty high and I can't just throw it away

Re: Account recovery

I have lost my account details is there anyway to recover it. I remember only my email address and some other details. How can I recover it cause the levels pretty high and I can't just throw it away
Hi there! Just wanted to let you know this topic was created in 2016 and thus out of date. On the CH forums we like to avoid necroposting :)
As far as your account problem, send an email to [email protected] if you haven’t already. They will get back with you as soon as possible and do what they can to help!
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

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