oh is this why mizza was shouting selling my nudes from his main and not from the Car toons today? this explains it then lol. i don't have any nudes photos btw, i wish lol because i'm very pretty XD
dear guys on forum, don't get yourselves too fooled by those noobs, they're actually upset that trump is going to lose, they're his pathetic dogs lmao. oh and the Car toons did not belong to him, actually istael and perkamentus made those toons first, then i posted on their trolling on social media (with pictures), this is when they tried to get away with being in trouble, by giving those toons to mizza. lol poor kid he doesn't even know what he involved himself in.
if anyone wants to understand more what those cars do you can check this link
these players are not actual teenagers like they pretend to be lmao. a few of them have told me they work for an office of trained army of trolls made out of 34 employees run by istael mainly. why do you think they turned the server dominant? helpless ordinary players can do nothing against an office of trained trolls who get paid salaries to enforce an idea of dominance lol.
we are still waiting for OTM to control account sharing and buying, especially that istael aka zeto bought more than 75 toons on lugh alone. especially that suspicious trolls on social media often use the strategy of sharing the same twitter or facebook accounts to troll people from them, then have their IP address impossible to get tracked that way, since too many people log them.
the only reason why this clan is still allowed to exist, after that apparently all share each other's toons, is that they bullied out all the 95% of Lugh population, that if OTM decides to ban shared accounts (with a click of a button their whole clan can wipe as a matter of fact), that most probably OTM is worried barely any players will be left.
the only other reason why they're allowed to keep playing, is not really buying plat as people would assume, but Lugh server is stormed with so much police investigating with their activities, and gathering enough evidence on the whole bunch of them.
fyi, castle in lugh has been used as a bonker, a place where they send out dangerous information and messages, to apply them on ground. you only need to stand a little in castle then check the news and compare the atrocities of the semblance. yikes, quite disgusting.
there's so much corruption in server lugh maybe if a bigger company decides to buy Celtic Heroes, can solve these breeches and endless trolling. something like Trion World or runescape companies that do not allow account sharing and that monitor the suspicious behaviours of these noobs. They tried to do that breech on Trion world and it ended up banning 500 accounts of suspicious offices like that ones that istael runs.
trust me, you're not dealing with amateurs here, although their builds and plans suck, they still can manage to terrorize the planet outside the game, on almost a daily basis.