Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Event Lux

All these topics about old Event Lux are becoming repetitive.

Its already wrong that probably the best items in game are obtainable by spending money on a vendor. It should come from killing bosses.
Bro u can't buy no godly bandage wounds bracers in the shop
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Event Lux

The reason people buy the wyld lvl150 ammy is for rogues to lock bosses. It's nothing special for leveling, but a group of rogues with it at troll are virtually unbeatable.

Dot is nice but it does not stack. So for bosses the new wolf pet with str and a rend skill is going to blow. Solo not bad though.

Same with reaper rings. You don't need 7000 attack for leveling on mobs, not even 5k. 3500 will do reasonably. Not so on bosses.

There really aren't drops from bosses that compare to these. After the first spam of instant skills you hotbar off the wyld to something better sure, but even gele weapons take forever to do the skill and aren't true instant like wyld
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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Re: Event Lux

All these topics about old Event Lux are becoming repetitive.

Its already wrong that probably the best items in game are obtainable by spending money on a vendor. It should come from killing bosses.
Bro u can't buy no godly bandage wounds bracers in the shop
Lol true. Best brace ever!
Perkamentus, lv 230 Full Doch Gul Ice Mage
Avanor, lv 220 Rogue
Silvos, lv 191 Ranger

Retired Chieftain now Clansman of Pegasus, Lugh.

Re: Event Lux

I think old stuff can be brought back so new people like me can experience it. I mean otm is focusing on other stuff like fixing high level bosses so why not bring old things back to make people happy?

Muldar and Morgana are the best! :D

Re: Event Lux

Domt bring old lux back... Like ppl said before crash the market and its just a part of the game... Shame you cant expierence... But in the future you can expiernce stuff that other new players cant so never ending story.

You win some you lose some

Re: Event Lux

Lots of threads have been popping up lately about whether Event Lux should be brought back, made permanent, or left alone. This are just my opinions about Event Lux and what it is meant to be.

NOTE: This is pertaining to the iOS Version of Celtic Heroes (to an extent). Android does not have Reaper Rings, though they do have Wyld Ammys and Stargem Sets. If Reaper Rings (and other Legacy Lux) are made available to Android for one Samhain Event then that's a different story. My topic is focusing on iOS players though.

In my own opinion, Event Luxury items were meant to be obtainable for a limited time, and if you purchased it during that time then you can count yourself lucky. If you did not purchase it or were not around when the item was available then you pay the price- either by missing out completely on the item OR literally paying a steep (or lower) price for said item.

Think of it this way-

If you want to purchase a vinyl record of Frank Sinatra, which was made in the 1940's, then you have to be willing to pay a price for it. That price can be low or high depending on the seller.
Of course, if you were alive during the 1940's and had purchased said vinyl then you could count yourself lucky- you were in the right place at the right time.
But if you were born afterwards then you will have to, first, find someone who is willing to sell that vinyl and, second, pay the price they are willing to sell it for.

It works the same way in Celtic Heroes.

People get upset that they weren't around or hadn't joined the game during Samhain 2013 when the Reaper Ring was available. Or Ostara 2014 when the Wyld Ammys were around. Is that OTM's fault? Is that your fault? Not really, it just came down to timing. You can STILL aquire those items but you have to pay the price someone is willing to sell them for.
Those lucky players who had worked hard and bought those items when they were available are exactly that- very lucky. It isn't their fault that they would only resell the item for a high price, after all it means something to them and cost them alot.

Now, I do believe that Event Items should NOT be brought back ever. It completely defeats the purpose of it being an EVENT ITEM. One that is obtainable for a SHORT time. They are meant to be prestige gear, and players who bought them shouldn't be punished for having purchased them while they were available.

That being said, I wouldn't actually care much if they WERE made available again, or even made permanently available. Yes, it would irritate a small part of me because it defeats the purpose of the item having been Limited Time at one point, but the benefits far outweigh the "moral" thoughts or personal prejudices.

If Event Items come back then great. If not then great. I just don't like newer players getting butthurt about the high prices on GOOD Lux. I'm 110% fine with it when we just state that "YES! I want this to happen!" But when you get mad at the older (or smart, proactive) Players who bought that Lux then you are totally wrong.

I, and others, would be completely fine if Event Lux was brought back or made permanent. I, and others, are also fine if it is not brought back. But in the end, I'll personally be happy with whatever decision is made.
I don't believe that what people are angry about is that they can't get a hold of the old luxury items. I believe what they're angry about is the gigantic enormous huge unbelievabledifference between some of the event luxury items that OTM has brought out in the shop items if there will be no more event items made. Let's use the wyld lux as an example because that stuff is totally awesome. OK, so say it takes you three years to save and be a will to buy luxury items from an event shop. Luckily for you that event shop has wyldshrine lux. You buy one amulet, one ring, and one bracelet. You now have somewhere in the vicinity of 115 of one type of regeneration and 95 of the other. You have 520 stat points, 500 either defense or attack, and 1300 health or energy plus a really good skill that costs zero energy, and it's taken three jewelry slots to accomplish all that.

Now let's look at a different scenario you save for a different 150 shop... The permanent one in carrow. You buy every regeneration item in the shop, skipping the things that only add stats because there are no use anyway when compared with boss drops. You've bought an amulet two rings and two bracelets. Your regeneration is now 70 and 70, you've used five jewelry slots, and you've gotten zero stat points for your trouble.you have roughly the same 1300 health or energy you have around 500 resists and you have no skill. It doesn't matter whether you could afford to buy better items from a more expensive shop or not, because there is no more expensive shop now this is the a pitta me of what you can use in less you manage to find a player who is willing to part with the incredibly better items that they may never be able to replace because they're not coming back. It's not about absolutely meeting the exact same items that older players what we got, it's about being able to reach 200 regeneration and fantastic year versus only being able to reach 140 regenerationand mediocre gear while using up twice as many slots.
killface lvl 155 Rogue of Balor
General of EXODUS


Mirdon lvl 200+ Mage of Epona

Clan Pantheon

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

Re: Event Lux

So what I'm hearing is don't bring back the old event lux.

Make new permanent high end lux of ever so slightly better stats than all this old gear for the same original shop price. That should keep people who paid millions happy and yet be fair to people who just need it to stop monopolies in game and play like others do.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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Re: Event Lux

I personally don't care if they bring back old at like a higher price...I bought the wyld sun ammy and brace during the original event and have been offered like 6mil for the ammy but won't sell it...

And yes, it is nice and kind of op, but I am seeing a lot of the "5000" skill argument...unless mine is buggy and needs to be fixed I am lucky to hit 2000-2500 with it. (Gele axe is the same btw, I mainly use the skill at event because it is pure magic damage and hits twice as high or more than my skills do). My ss hits 6600 so that is way more of a lock bonus than the ammy. I don't use the skill hit to lock against comp. :)
Thyra 204 rogue (Rosmerta)

Faolan Wariche 224 warrior (Arawn retired)

Re: Event Lux

I personally don't care if they bring back old at like a higher price...I bought the wyld sun ammy and brace during the original event and have been offered like 6mil for the ammy but won't sell it...

And yes, it is nice and kind of op, but I am seeing a lot of the "5000" skill argument...unless mine is buggy and needs to be fixed I am lucky to hit 2000-2500 with it. (Gele axe is the same btw, I mainly use the skill at event because it is pure magic damage and hits twice as high or more than my skills do). My ss hits 6600 so that is way more of a lock bonus than the ammy. I don't use the skill hit to lock against comp. :)
So you are forced to choose between shadowstrike and the wyld ammy? Because 8600-9100 sounds higher to me than 6600. 1/3 more instant damage is a huge factor in locking 4,5* and a big factor in locking 6*. Plus it can't miss like shadowstrike and quickstrike.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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