Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Mage prot kills

Idk how well geared some of you guys are but yes I consistently get a fair amount of Prot kills. I'm also decked out with all Godlies and now recently with full doch gul set. I say that to say this a mage with a decent amount of fire/ice magic and recast gear can out dps almost anyone in the tower.

Mage 222

Winners train
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Wolfgangs Raid leader

Re: Mage prot kills

Idk how well geared some of you guys are but yes I consistently get a fair amount of Prot kills. I'm also decked out with all Godlies and now recently with full doch gul set. I say that to say this a mage with a decent amount of fire/ice magic and recast gear can out dps almost anyone in the tower.
Are your rangers doing something wrong? and how much do you hit on prot?
World Danu
Clan Ascension (We Are 170 req) APPLY AThttp://www.ascension.pw
Enterage 226 Ranger
Magic Mike 215 Mage
Enters Magic 171 Druid in progress
Kalii 141 Warrior better tank then rich :P

Re: Mage prot kills

Idk how well geared some of you guys are but yes I consistently get a fair amount of Prot kills. I'm also decked out with all Godlies and now recently with full doch gul set. I say that to say this a mage with a decent amount of fire/ice magic and recast gear can out dps almost anyone in the tower.
Are your rangers doing something wrong? and how much do you hit on prot?
Don't get me wrong our Rangers get a lot of the Prot kills I just get them as well lol. I average around 3-4K hits on Prot

Mage 222

Winners train
Losers complain...

Wolfgangs Raid leader

Re: Mage prot kills

I have at least two prot prime kills. If I were to add a fourth dps skill I think I would get a lot more. I'm only 220. I'm very well equipped for belenus though.
Thee almighty Clunt, queen mage, slayer of prot, savior of Belenus

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