Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Taranis recruiting

Only reason I wouldn't advertise is because it would encourage scammers or griefers to jump on board, reach endgame and easily since we 'promise' them easy access to clan, and then sell the drops they get.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Taranis recruiting

Access to the clan may.be easy but access to bank requires a lot of activity and work we don't hand it out unless it's deserved. But as our server is lacking in New players we have plenty to "risk" and if a few are genuine that's great. These risks are all ways there no matter how your running a clan. That's y we have peon to seed into aeon. If a good leader cannot find out a scammer by time they reach 150 then then ur leadership is the issue
Greenhealer - lvl128 - Druid - Taranis - Aeon
Boyd - 115 - Rouge - Taranis - N/A
Bam - 89 - Mage - Taranis - Peon

Peon seeder of Aeon - Recruitment Thread - Taranis
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =4&t=86926
Be a MAN!..... be a Druid!

Re: Taranis recruiting

Taranis sucks from what I heard, the server is run by pretty much two clans that formed a dictator ship. If you don't agree with their pathetic rules then you get kicked out of their "system". Go to the taranis forum to see what really goes on. Kk bye
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Taranis recruiting

Taranis sucks from what I heard, the server is run by pretty much two clans that formed a dictator ship. If you don't agree with their pathetic rules then you get kicked out of their "system". Go to the taranis forum to see what really goes on. Kk bye
Yea a few angry people posted there lol, what forum dosent have some of those posts? The above isn't true. Yes there are some basic rules the server has but that's because people need a few to keep things fair and to get along. The rules haven't really changed much in 3 years and over that time taranis has been one of the most chill and least drama worlds most of the time. The cooperation between clans has made our server top heavy, we have some of the most end game players any server as historically no one wasted time fighting amongst ourselves.

But like has been said we need new players and are happy to have any who apply.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Taranis recruiting

Servers I suggest for new players:
- Gwydion if you like competition between clans
- Epona if you want to do whatever you want and like to play solo (Currently trying to turn Lugh into a server very similar to Epona).
- Arawn if you enjoy a huge player base and a super clan
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Taranis recruiting

Taranis sucks from what I heard, the server is run by pretty much two clans that formed a dictator ship. If you don't agree with their pathetic rules then you get kicked out of their "system". Go to the taranis forum to see what really goes on. Kk bye
Maybe a few years ago, like I said earlier we have it all, you want to play solo u will be grouped at bosses by nearly all e.g. Clans, most clans don't sell raid gear and dl since the clan as a whole worked to obtain these items in most cases a clan owns these not an individual, you can join a clan in raid rotations where a clan can enlist to solo a boss and get a weekly turn , would also get help from other clans in rotations after there first kill- this is to support new clans, we have ffa bosses that prefer lock battles events,troll,ring bosses, proteus , all this is optional there are clans who don't join in so don't have rotations and kill raids when they are up, don't have clan property rules, on Taranis most of us do believe in improving as a whole server, so eg clans do their best to support new players and clans , u aren't forced to do anything it is a misconception, some greedy players sold a few raid drops so got kicked so decided to use underhanded tactics to retaliate , we can't force u to doanything if u aren't in our clans, u may be rejected help by clans with clan prop rules if u have stole gear from em, this is obvious - why would a clan make rules and not try to enforce them, I like taranis because it's a mix of Gwyd- competition, eponas unity, and we have more lvl 200+ players then arawn so large eg player base


Re: Taranis recruiting

Servers I suggest for new players:
- Gwydion if you like competition between clans
- Epona if you want to do whatever you want and like to play solo (Currently trying to turn Lugh into a server very similar to Epona).
- Arawn if you enjoy a huge player base and a super clan
Who are trying to make a Epona-like from Lugh?
Perkamentus, lv 230 Full Doch Gul Ice Mage
Avanor, lv 220 Rogue
Silvos, lv 191 Ranger

Retired Chieftain now Clansman of Pegasus, Lugh.

Re: Taranis recruiting

Basically Tarnis for me is a weird version of Epona. Still not sure what I think about it. Its more controlling than epona, so not better, but better than a lock battle server that controls all the bosses with the other clans not having a chance. Wish they'd just be just like Epona instead, they make it so complicated. ._.

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