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Level 180-200 Lux

Hello, couldn't find a thread that stated best 180 as well as 200 Lux, mainly for locking. Been leaning on to the 180 haste offhand as heard many people say well about it. Not sure if it's good for lockers though. Also is there any other 180 lux worth getting for lockers, like bracers n such. Thanks

Re: Level 180-200 Lux

For a lock rogue the 150 haste dagger is better. If continuing to lvl, buying the 180 is a waste imo as is better to just wait for the 200

If you can get a wyldshrine sun ammy, the dex and the extra skill are great for lockers and the health is a great help keeping you alive after you lock :)
Thyra 204 rogue (Rosmerta)

Faolan Wariche 224 warrior (Arawn retired)

Re: Level 180-200 Lux

You want gear that adds skill damage for qs and ss, so silverweb qs ring, ss hrung helm and Yule event rings, sun ammy is also really good, u need hp and energy gear too because ure goal isn't to lock 4* but 6* , try to use alchem pieces and change to dl/edl set if it's a 6* , for offhand I'd say use offhand axe when u use sneaky , switch to haste offhand if it's a long fight, same with sun ammy use the skill then switch to this event scoundrels ammy or a gara set


Re: Level 180-200 Lux

Hi, I meant mostly the Lux provided at the perma stores as well as this event. I probably cannot afford a wyld Ammy as well as those 190 garanak thingy sets, or hrung n mord n necro stuff as well.

Just looking for opinions on the lux provided at 180 as well as events 190 shop, that I may be able to get

Re: Level 180-200 Lux

You want gear that adds skill damage for qs and ss, so silverweb qs ring, ss hrung helm and Yule event rings, sun ammy is also really good, u need hp and energy gear too because ure goal isn't to lock 4* but 6* , try to use alchem pieces and change to dl/edl set if it's a 6* , for offhand I'd say use offhand axe when u use sneaky , switch to haste offhand if it's a long fight, same with sun ammy use the skill then switch to this event scoundrels ammy or a gara set
Well of course it'd be awesome to have all that stuff but he asked what he should get from the vendor
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

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