Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Which screenshot do you think should be the Community Favourite?

Total votes: 4 (3%)
Total votes: 10 (7%)
Total votes: 2 (1%)
Total votes: 5 (4%)
Total votes: 23 (17%)
Total votes: 7 (5%)
Total votes: 5 (4%)
Total votes: 62 (46%)
Total votes: 13 (10%)
Total votes: 3 (2%)
Total votes: 134

Re: Screenshot Competition: Community Favourite Shortlist

Just in it for the banter don't expect to win at all, didn't even expect to get into the top 10 haha. All short listed should get a 'I made the top 10' Fashion T-Shirt! Would be great although I don't expect that either haha.

Congratulations to the winner ;)
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: Screenshot Competition: Community Favourite Shortlist

I call cheating, Kiz private messaged everyone to vote for him without any clue what it is. He private messaged even people on the list to vote and they didn't notice they were on it, this is made unfair.
How is asking for votes cheating?
IGN-Whiteyes 231Ranger, g0lden 220 Warrior, The Doctor 213 Druid
Clan- Novalis

Re: Screenshot Competition: Community Favourite Shortlist

I call cheating, Kiz private messaged everyone to vote for him without any clue what it is. He private messaged even people on the list to vote and they didn't notice they were on it, this is made unfair.
And then he drove to their house, put a gun to their head, forced them to log onto the forum and vote for him. Clearly cheating.

2 days ago you posted a vote for me thread in your world section. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Re: Screenshot Competition: Community Favourite Shortlist

I call cheating, Kiz private messaged everyone to vote for him without any clue what it is. He private messaged even people on the list to vote and they didn't notice they were on it, this is made unfair.
LOL????? Guess what i call it for... QQ

Re: Screenshot Competition: Community Favourite Shortlist

I call cheating, Kiz private messaged everyone to vote for him without any clue what it is. He private messaged even people on the list to vote and they didn't notice they were on it, this is made unfair.
I dint ask anyone in the list to vote for me just you but u told me: did u know that im in there too? I just asked u noone else and if i did ask then ur pretty much stupid if u voted for me without paying attention to the other names in the list....And like i Said b4 i have been pm peoples but they told me i have to look b4 they voted and looks like they all loved it. And how do u call it for cheating? Asking peoples to vote for me is not cheating. Damn seriously grow up

Re: Screenshot Competition: Community Favourite Shortlist

Who cares if Kiz sent PMs, his picture is clearly funny and is clear favourite and stands a real good chance of winning. With, or without PMs.. Just because you get a PM doesn't mean you have to do what it says :roll:
WhySoKsed i bough à book for u, read it.

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