Pfft warrior was too easy to lvl in every update before ss was a thing compared to a rogue I got my warrior to 148 in minimal lux and few event drops. I used only knows back then as well. Now as a rogue I have more dps sure but it comes from my lux and Lix/Restos usage. After a while lifesteal is worthless while leveling even in a dex build it will heal 1-1.5 of the dmg a mob will auto you with, along with cast time which lowers dps, only decent skill is reflexes which doesn't dodge every auto a mob hits you with. Buffs however they could add a few new things to warriors to make them more fun from an end game stand point.
How the game was in u3 shouldnt affect us today, 4 years later. Warrior is fun to me thus its my main, but it could use many boosts, and what ppl dont get is that for warriors to not use pots they need to be very defensive, unlike rogues, when warriors are defensive they dont keep high dps and still use pots (I needed for energy, shatter+rupture are a drain), so when warriors go defensive and rogues go defensive, the pots usage wont be much different while the dps of a rogue will double if not more the warrior's, meaning twice as much xp, and u dont use just xp elix per round of elixirs, u use either combo or mix of elixirs, meaning that if u level more slowly than others, even if u use half the pots than others, u will still be far more expensive.
To compare :
Im a dps warrior and I used pots while lvling, a tank warrior wont use a single pot while lvling. Whos more expensive when lvling?