I got banned from the battle.net forums for editing a title with the word petition. Apparently it was also spam reposting the post they deleted(without telling me, I thought it was removed because people got toxic or something) so I reposted it ONCE saying at the end: "reposting this I don't know why it was deleted" . 3rd time in 2 months they've banned me for a bs reason, I think its time to say their support team is garbage.(what kind of forum doesn't allow petitions?!)
Kudos to the OTM Support team for not being garbage and actually investigating/warning.
Had to share this
#1★ℚʊɛɛɳ øƒ Ғɑṩɧɪøɳ
iOS Player since 2011
Name: Killerado
World: Morrigan
I'm a Forums Guide, if you need help feel free to PM me
Rainbow Color
ケルトの戦士 (Keruto no senshi, Celtic Warriors)
Esquilax is the best!
iOS Player since 2011
Name: Killerado
World: Morrigan
I'm a Forums Guide, if you need help feel free to PM me
Rainbow Color
ケルトの戦士 (Keruto no senshi, Celtic Warriors)
Esquilax is the best!