Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: The minI event

225 should be max anyone would level to, since that's req for highest tier Gelebron.

But at that point you probably have another toon you can use to lock bosses.
And what if they are all above 230? We are essentially being punished for leveling
Lol. Silly we need other toons for locking bosses anyway. Snorri toons are nearly a necessity and how many hundreds of them exist across all servers? Do we really need to make level 220 locking toons now? It's absurd.

Re: The minI event

The ridiculous thing is why do 230+ toons even care about the 200 Spider? Because it has great loot and blows away loot drops from a level 220 boss like Proteus and we have over 10 gele light heal rings in the bank all rotting and disgusting.

This is all on OTM's poor design on drops. If Proteus actually drops useful rings, we level 230s wouldn't even care about the Spider boss.
Last edited by Aileron on Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: The minI event

The ridiculous thing is why do 230+ toons even care about the 200 Spider? Because it has great loot and blows away loot drops from a level 220 boss like Proteus.

This is all on OTM's poor design on drops. If Proteus actually drops useful rings, we level 230s wouldn't even care about the Spider boss.
Even more than that, the drops are drops you wont bank. The rings are exactly what players want. Ice shards, firebolt, quickstrike, etc. Unless thats what you meant by useful in which I thought you were implying that a +7 spider ring is better than a +7 prot ring

Re: The minI event

Proteus rings belong to a boss like Mordris. One step up from Aggragoth loot and players graduating from Aggy would be 100% happy upgrading Aggy rings.

Mordris rings should be moved to Hrungnir.

Gelebron bracers need to be changed to rings and put them on Proteus. So players can happily upgrade their Necro rings.

Gelebron bracers should have stats upgrades to Mordris bracers.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: The minI event

My two cents

Mini event, ok fun but it favours certain player levels. Over over 230 can basically sit aside because of the level lock system. You're not gonna lock anything lol
And now you know why I won't level past 220. Idk why people level higher you are only spending huge amounts of time and money to nerf yourself.

I wouldn't say we nerfed ourselves. We are 230+ and crazy good on 215+ bosses.
230 gain about a 1-5% dps advantage on 215-220 bosses dps wise while needing 33% more dps to lock on a 200 boss. 50 ability points and 10 skill points don't take you far with stat plateaus and the ability to already max 7 skills at 220.

For bosses that are 180-200 which remain relevant to end game (for some crazy reason) like snorri, hrung, Mordris and Necro as well as the lower edl, a level 200 toon may suffer 10-25% less dps over 230+, but a 230 will need 33% to 100% more dps to lock.

So yes it's a massive nerf to yourself on locks for a minor return in overall power outside locks.
Last edited by Plus3 on Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: The minI event

...and 10 skill points don't take you far
Stat points are a premium when you wear full DG ;)

They also tied bounty tokens to bounty quests that give xp, so people who'd like to stop at 225 are punished even more.

The crux of the issue is why this game penalizes players who level up? OTM should really re-evaluate Target lock and make it a priority.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: The minI event

...and 10 skill points don't take you far
Stat points are a premium when you wear full DG ;)

They also tied bounty tokens to bounty quests that give xp, so people who'd like to stop at 225 are punished even more.

The crux of the issue is why this game penalizes players who level up? OTM should really re-evaluate Target lock and make it a priority.
Won't have to worry about anyone in full DG on taranis until 2020+. No one has more than 1-2 pieces, clans appear to gear by single pieces, and the kill rate is low enough that it's possible no one will ever get a set lol.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: The minI event


And now you know why I won't level past 220. Idk why people level higher you are only spending huge amounts of time and money to nerf yourself.

I wouldn't say we nerfed ourselves. We are 230+ and crazy good on 215+ bosses.
230 gain about a 1-5% dps advantage on 215-220 bosses dps wise while needing 33% more dps to lock on a 200 boss. 50 ability points and 10 skill points don't take you far with stat plateaus and the ability to already max 7 skills at 220.

For bosses that are 180-200 which remain relevant to end game (for some crazy reason) like snorri, hrung, Mordris and Necro as well as the lower edl, a level 200 toon may suffer 10-25% less dps over 230+, but a 230 will need 33% to 100% more dps to lock.

So yes it's a massive nerf to yourself on locks for a minor return in overall power outside locks.
Take care of the pennies and the dollars take care of themselves. 1%-5% is a big difference in my opinion. 5% is a nice lock advantage and it can also be the difference in whether a boss will rage. Imagine a 5% boost on your entire clan or even 10 of you. It's a massive total damage boost over 15-20 mins.

But this whole thing wouldn't be an issue if we could just get rid of the dumb lock system. Maybe we can all sign a waiver that we will not sell dragon discs ever again.

Re: The minI event

Easy for a top tier clan like Avalon to say no target lock since you will always dish out the most damage to a boss.
Oderint Dum Metuant.

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