I've been playing the game since 2011 but I decided to log on today and holy... nothing is alike, even from 2013. I decided I was gonna make a new class on a new world, so what are the most wanted classes/easiest to solo? I'm assuming druid and mage are wanted, but last I recall in 2013 soloing those classes was h*ll. Any recommendations? Thanks
It is completely dependant on your situation. Have you got cp's or combos? Have you got an abundance of idols and pots? Have you got plat/gold for sigils or large influx of lux for regen?
If you let us know of your situation it is far easier to make an informed decision.
I started out as a ranger, then I tried mage and fell in love with it, however, I was also prepared to purchase plat for pots. From personal experience, I'd exclude mage from your choices. I would never again level another mage. I quite enjoyed my ranger, but I never got passed level 110 so idk about post 110 levelling difficulty.
Definitely inform us on your situation to make it easier for us to give you advice.