by Lidon
Yes, def depends on the amount of plat u are willing to buy. What kind of lux u have. What server u want to play on. Some servers (as in gwydion for ex) think that off grouping aka power leveling is the way to go....so sucks for druid ( I have one there). Rangers are the weaker of the classes and no, I don't lock many bosses at all. However I can solo some tower mobs that stronger c;lasses cant because of light heal and bolas ( do the ranger shuffle). I also spend less plat on my ranger because I don't use as many pots, idol, and hp. You do however suck up the energy lix. Mages are so op in dps but the rule of thumb is kill mobs in 2-3 hits or ur done for.
server choice is probably the most important decision, they are like countries. Some are more friendly then others. Some servers have 1 top clan as in arawn ( and a few other), some servers have 1 clan across the server (rose), others have a couple of top clans. If you have a falling out on a server with one egb....well....enough said.
GL on your decision.
Arawn 222 Rogue & 222 Druid
Gwydion Druid 220 Warrior 198 )
Taranis Ranger 221
Nuada Ranger 221 Druid 221
Belinus Ranger 136 Druid 136
Rose Ranger lvl 229, Druid 221, Mage 221