Hi all. I have been playing on android for a little bit now. I am committing 100% to Android servers now with a Druid as my character. My question is what is the best server for me to play on. Some of the things that I am interested in are, * which server does cooperation with outside players (i.e. Non clan members helping kill bosses). *Where the server understands that this is a mobile game and I may not be able to play 24\7 and don't care to be woke up just to kill a boss via 3rd party app. I work a lot of hours and play all ours of the night and day, but just don't like the whole mandatory thing. *Has a world with older player base. I am an older guy with a family who just loves this game and hates the players that make it difficult just to be an ass. (Morrigan server lol). Thanks for info and guidance in advance.
P.S. I leveled up to +100 on an android server with no plat and gave up. Gonna take the Black Friday sale plunge.
I now reside on Donn.
Last edited by derp on Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DR Derp of Donn