Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Rouge tips

Rouge is a cosmetic commonly used by women for centuries. For rouge tips use it according to your face type. There isnt any rouge in celtic heroes as far as I know.

For Rogue advice they have their own section of the forums.
Last edited by Iron Born on Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Black Company of Taranis

Mercenaries don't care about sides or politics, they care about getting paid.

Re: Rouge tips

When they don't get the joke....
And when they do they will be seeing rouge.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Rouge tips

Rouge: what Iron Born said.
Rogue: the class you're playing.
Rogue section of forums: Where you should've posted this.
Rogue tips from me: Rebirth and increase vit and dex. Use Fast Reflex.
LordyIsBack - Lvl 121+ Warrior
Clan Prophecy (World Danu)
I'm taking a break from CH until the next questline is released. Possibly this next beta.

Re: Rouge tips

Rouge is a cosmetic commonly used by women for centuries. For rouge tips use it according to your face type. There isnt any rouge in celtic heroes as far as I know.

For Rogue advice they have their own section of the forums.
I lolled
Perkamentus, lv 230 Full Doch Gul Ice Mage
Avanor, lv 220 Rogue
Silvos, lv 191 Ranger

Retired Chieftain now Clansman of Pegasus, Lugh.

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