Edited to add: I guess what I'm really after here is a list of the hardcore collectors on the server.
***Important*** Please don't use this thread (or PMs or in-game mail) to ask for specific items.
It's been over three years since I've actively played. I do sometimes lurk in these forums and I see that there are some hardcore collectors on the server. Since I don't play any more I've been thinking about clearing out my inventory—especially since I have a bunch of rares—but I've been at a loss as to how to proceed. Last time I gave away gear it was towards a mostly-united Lugh's first attempt on Mordris so most of my decent unbound druid gear is gone. Pretty much everything I have is pre-Dragonfire (2013 update). Here's some of what I remember having:
- full Crookback charm set
- all of the non-sparkly ghost charms
- most of the halloween charms (carrion lord, necromancer, etc), but no skeleton warrior or skeleton king
- golden growth x2, golden shrink x1
- Icelord totem
- misc lux for level 150 and under (golden venom dagger, trident, helm of severity, regens)
- bloodlust helm
- avalanche sled (x2 iirc)
- black sultan's carpet
- 3x 60% cloud
- yule cloud (5%, rare drop)
- ymir warbow
- an assortment of helper hats, including black and white
- red & purple masks of lugh
- hundreds of misc snowballs, quite a few balloons and party crackers