But it's my opinion too?;)
Only if you kiss otms ass it's allowed. If I tell a total bs lie how awesome they are. If it's negative criticism( which is a result of their own lack of implementation of feedback) then it has no place here apparently.
So otm, thank you for the awesome customer service and totally not ripping your players off with huge platinum drains. Mount whistles incoming!!!
We welcome criticism, we have an entire board dedicated to it:
What is not allowed is insulting a user for their opinion, you are welcome to debate them or have an opposing view point but insulting that user for that view will not be tolerated.
You may also wish to read the recent patch notes which has an entire section dedicated to player feedback changes:
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =4&t=88281
You will also be happy to know there is a gold only option for removing the dismount effect, no platinum needed.
That you have a feedback and suggestion page doesn't mean you even use them. Very nice you can paste a link of the f&s board.
Mount whistles are still a plat sink. Using an extra kind of idol just because you are on a mount is a total rip off. Do you think it's viable to go back to castle during a raid just because you died. I would even like to invite you playing my mage during a raid, please count how many times I die, just of travelling to a raid, aeos and with rage it even gets worse.
Player Feedback Changes
- Bounty Board Changes
All bounties now guarantee a drop of a bounty token, helping heroes towards their Pet / Battle Mount of choice.
- Fishing Balancing Changes
New increased rates at which mount and pet tokens are gained from sunken chests.
New increased drop rates of bear quest items from fishing.
- Boss Spawn Rate Increase
Boss spawn rates have now been increased (and windows decreased proportionately)
This means a 25% decrease to spawn time for Hrungnir, Mordris and Necro, 33% for Aggy.
- Boss Drop Rate Increase
Improved drop rates for higher tier loot items on Mordris, Necro, Hrungnir and Aggragoth!
- Boss Drop Removal
Removed Bandage Wounds Bracelets from Mordris loot table.
*So these are the feedback changes for this update. Bandage wounds removal, boss drop rate and boss spawn increase were long overdue. Yes it's nice that you implement feedback from 3 years ago.
*No clue what new drop rates so I don't have any more comments about this.
*The guaranteed token drop from bounties is a nice change.
Then let's make a list of all the feedback that has been ignored/rejected due to shady reasons:
-A proper announcement for server restarts and give people enough time to prepare(nope, last week has proven this)
-Increased drop rates for gele, prot like what happened to the other raid bosses
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =6&t=88287
-Increased pureness drops due to an abysmal drop rate
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =6&t=88288
-adjusted pet tokens exchange rate
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =6&t=87892
-make pets tradeable
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =4&t=88418 (jakes post)
-remove mount whistles or add them to chests
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =6&t=88304
-Make gele weapon skills true insta cast
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =6&t=87761
This is just a small list of recent feedback. I have even left out class balance and lack of fishing/end game content.