To the 2 saying updates never took this long bugs didn't appear here nor there. Why has it changed? Because there is new additions to the game not the same old crap of reskinning mounts, bosses, and minor tweaks to jewelry dropped by those bosses. When ow and carrow came out there where so many bugs, now the minor fixes are consisting of them fixing back end of servers which allows for smoother and faster speeds. Sure that hasn't shown this past week but what about 2-3 weeks before when the legacy update came out? I saw very few complaints until actual bugs where discovered. They are also trying to add in some feedback the community has asked for it may be small but it's a start. You can't compare then to now so much has changed over the years.
All I'm saying is they had it fixed back then, the new updates shouldn't find a new bug on an old update. This seems to be the norm. We update u, but oh yeah, last update, we found this.
Things took minutes back then.
Things take hours, and even days now. :-(