So I am new to the forums and the game. Hello all.
I have decided to pursue a Ranger as my main, I have decided to go with a Strength build after reading through various posts.
What are the best pet options for a Ranger? I know I may be wasting my time, but I want the bear from fishing and am currently leveling this up, are the other options better? I read on a post that at events you can use your bounty tokens for the mounts also, should I go ahead and get a pet or save them for an event? Speaking of.....How in the name of all things good do you get a mount? I have searched the forums and many posts, my only conclusion is that it is Event and chests only? Is this correct?
With a strength build, should I put points into Dex or go full strength? Lastly what bosses should I focus on to get gear. I am only level 60 as of now, I know, I know, I am very new.
Re: Beginning Ranger Questions
#21. For the stats do mostly str and some vit (put dex and foc if needed because at your lv there aren't a lot of good items)
2. For the mount usually there would be a shop like in the old castle but idk if in the new update there'a gonna be a shop right now you can only get from chests or other people
3. At your lv a auto build isn't that good (unless you have really good lux for your lv ) I would go dex build str build isn't good until like lv 180+ pretty sure but if your solo I would go dex (really just depends on your preference)
2. For the mount usually there would be a shop like in the old castle but idk if in the new update there'a gonna be a shop right now you can only get from chests or other people
3. At your lv a auto build isn't that good (unless you have really good lux for your lv ) I would go dex build str build isn't good until like lv 180+ pretty sure but if your solo I would go dex (really just depends on your preference)
Re: Beginning Ranger Questions
#3And for the bosses at your lv there aren't really any good loot dropping ones I would just save up for ancient if you aren't in a clan that will provide warden
Re: Beginning Ranger Questions
#5Don't lvl up with a str build.
For stats do pure DEX with some VIT for survival.
Use Sharpshot, Longshot, and Explosive arrow for damage. Light Heal and Bolas for survival.
For stats do pure DEX with some VIT for survival.
Use Sharpshot, Longshot, and Explosive arrow for damage. Light Heal and Bolas for survival.