New Idea for Ranger Class
#1Ok so I have been brainstorming ideas to help admin create a better overall Ranger class something that will make us stand apart from other classes. My thoughts are we should be able to cast spells like sharp shot, rapid shot, barbed shot and steady aim while still auto attacking. I mean no loss in attack at all, I dont think we should be able to do it on all skills but our primary skills we should just be able to cast while still engaged in combat. Spells such as light heal, bolo, entangle and spikes would still stop your attack for casting but our attack skills would be casted without interuption. We would still have to wait for cast time and it could still be interupted however you would never loose auto attack while you are casting. I also like the idea that was posted about being able to attack while moving, I think you chances for missed or evaded shots should increase when this is done but that was a solid idea. Just my thoughts let me know what you think. Hope admin will chime in aswell at least let us know if this is even possible in the relm of game design.