I understand what you're saying. The 10 minute spawn window on dl bosses (especially snorri) are very annoying. Sometimes we will have the timers when the rival clan doesn't and we will show up when the window opens, sometimes 5 minutes before so we have more time to prep and get people to show. Sometimes the rival clan will randomly send someone to check snorri or log a camper and when they see us standing there waiting, they immediately bring more firepower. It's an issue because snorri never spawns on time, it's usually 5 min or more after it's due so the rival clan has enough time to bring more people and log almost all of their snorri campers.You missed my point. If the boss spawned a few minutes before(when it was first due and when the dominant clan was not there yet), the less dominant clan would have because obviously a few minutes is enough time to lock it.A reason the top clan is the top clan on server comes with better dps and more people.Honestly I would say that the longer spawn windows give dominant clans a larger margin of error. For instance, like I said before, sometimes my clan will come to a boss with a group of 5 or so people exactly on time and then a minute or two later, the bigger clan will start to show up in droves. If the boss had spawned when it was exactly due, we could have gotten because we were precise and had the timer down pat. However, because of the way things are, the other clan can get when they have a ton of their people show up.
So if you both have your best dps there at the same time either way you won't win because their Dps is better and will continue to make the gap in dps quality bigger as they get more bosses. But most clans have a active and inactive periods throughout the day so maybe the top and lesser clans active times are different. So when a raid spawns In a lesser clan is more active, they have a higher probability of winning as they can more people to log where as at times in the inactive period of the day even top clans can get 3-4 people max on.
Just fyi, I personally am not talking about gelebron. As you can tell by my level I have had no experience with Gelebron. I'm just talking about spawn windows in general, and in general in my experience as a member of a lesser clan, longer spawn windows are not beneficial to us.
I suggest that dl and edl specifically have their windows removed, also frozen. Raid bosses I would rather keep as a more random spawn simply because raids are much more difficult for smaller clans than quest bosses