Well the clan had my drops for weeks but the reason they made up all these bs excuses not to give it to me, is because they were planning to kick me from the clan. Because some guy in our clan who was very liked made a poll to kick me and played his "like" apple and convinced many to vote to kick me. His reasons to make the poll was petty revenge.
Obviously there are personal issues between you and that guy, and you need the chieftain and the gens/guards to mediate rather than using a poll. But if many clannies already took his side then that means they also have issues with you.
And it's also bad if the clan's leadership didn't remain neutral and sided with the guy. So...it isn't a case of a clan having unfair rules, it's simply because they don't want you in clan anymore. You made the right decision to leave if people voted you out. You don't want to be in a clan with members that alienated you, it won't be a pleasant gaming experience.
The person who made the poll had some very serious and bias statements. Including drop hoarding and stalking, both of which are false. He even went out of his way to say along the lines of "whatever he says is a lie and he won't change"
There will always be people like that, not sure why they choose to be assholes but it happens. He probably knew that you were going to get a dg set so he tried his best to make sure that didn't happen because as ail said, there is probably some personal issues between the two of you. But making a poll to kick someone out is super immature on his part and everyone that took place in the poll. I wonder if the chief even took the time to discuss the situation amongst the generals, and if they didn't then the leadership in that clan is highly questionable. However, no one can jump into conclusions until we have heard the other side of the story (and I'm sure there is one).
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh
-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-