What is the purpose of rage?
This was OTM's answer years ago.
Bosses are there to give a challenge to engaged players, part of the challenge is to create clans and groups that are balanced and able to take on difficult enemies. Really we would much rather potions and idols were not used during boss fights so players could face a genuine challenge, but since this isn't possible we have added timers that limit how many can be consumed in order to keep things from being trivial.
Hi the rage timer exists partly to add some tension to the boss encounters but mainly to encourage balanced raid groups, giving dps classes a role in the boss encounters.
I'm all for the rage timer to be there. But right now, all it does is squeeze more usage of plat items because it doesn't prevent unbalanced or inappropriate level groups to kill bosses. Everything is zergable.
And OTM can deny it all they want, but it's a revenue generating system so why change it?
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