Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Old Character Deleted

I logged into my old account from 2013 username is: rainbowpony625 and i don't know the name of the character i had because that was so many years ago now, but i log onto the account and for some reason i have a level 1 archer and when i click on it i have nothing and i randomly spawn in the duskwither place. Why was my character deleted? Iv supported this game since 2013 so yeah... Could i get him back please? Sorry for the lack of information i have but it was 4 years ago.

Re: Old Character Deleted

that is strange i well i dont know have y sent in a ticket if you have and its been 48 hours muldar might be able to help y but 4 years ago......... i wish y luck in getting your character back
i may suck but you try and try again and never give up

penvro lv112 ranger- most likly going to retire soon
glyniss derbody lv59 rogue
soon to create a druid

Re: Old Character Deleted

No i haven't sent in a ticket? And yeah cheers dude i wanted to come back on because the game has updated a lot and looks a lot better haha.

Re: Old Character Deleted

Hi ItsKeigAn,

Highest level character I can find on the account appears to be a level 30 named "ImBehindYou" which appears to have been deleted via the client on 12/04/13.

If you would like me to restore the character I will have to delete one of your current characters as you only have 2 character slots.


Re: Old Character Deleted

Dammit haha. Well yeah can you please restore that then? Hopefully i have some of the old stuff on that account. I delete characters and make new ones all the time which is so stupid hah. But thanks heaps for that i'll delete one of those characters, for that one please. But i must of deleted so there probably won't be any of the old items on it :(

Is there not any other characters? I used to play on sulis a lot?

Thanks heaps for the help though.

Re: Old Character Deleted

Dammit haha. Well yeah can you please restore that then? Hopefully i have some of the old stuff on that account. I delete characters and make new ones all the time which is so stupid hah. But thanks heaps for that i'll delete one of those characters, for that one please. But i must of deleted so there probably won't be any of the old items on it :(

Is there not any other characters? I used to play on sulis a lot?

Thanks heaps for the help though.
Restored for you now.

There does appear to be other characters on the account but all are sub level 10.

Re: Old Character Deleted

Please help me recover the deleted character. Thanks
If you send an email to [email protected] with your account username and the deleted character's name/level/server/class, they should be able to restore the character to your account. It may take a few days before you hear back though.

Good luck!
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
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