by Starry
For everyone's information, Axis was started by some Alliance members while they were in alliance. Alliance worked on an honor system and that was badly abused by those members, who hoarded way more than a few drops to help a friend. Alliance basic premise is simple, if you got gear with the clans help then it is the clans property to decide what to do with. You don't get anything worthwhile on your own in this game.
To the op, there is no war. Alliance is doing what alliance has always done, working to get gear for themselves and the clan. That's how endgame is in this game. If you feel any tension, it is probably the result of a lot of Alliance member feelings being hurt by the original Axis members. They were considered friends, trusted, and well rewarded. So you can understand how arrogant it seems when there is trash talk while camping. From my observations, I haven't seen anything I would consider tension as I just don't see many axis in the areas that I play. Also, I am sorry that some people have derailed your post to, yet again, belabor their personal agendas. It sucks that there can't be genuine discussion on the forums.
To the two people with very strong opinions about Alliance: I would suggest you concern yourself with your own gameplay and stop obsessing about the choices of Alliance members. It has been demonstrated time and time again that you don't have all the facts needed to form a valid opinion. You guys come off like you sit around and make up scary Alliance ghost stories.
Those guys knew the rules of Alliance. They made their own choices and they knew the consequences. I don't see them coming to the forums and acting like they were wronged. I only see people too willing to believe a one-sided story.
Instead of taking the time to compulsively post on these forums, you could, for instance, play the game. You could start by accepting some quests, then by realizing you can't finish those quests without a buddy or two. So you start working with your group of buds to get everyone's quest completed, and give them the drops that will help them more. When you come across a drop that will help one of your buddies, you save it for him because he has been awesome to you and you want to be awesome to them. Pretty soon, you have a large circle of friends bc everyone likes people who are awesome and you work together to get bigger quests completed. Like a clan.
Now that there are dozens of people who you can call friends, please explain how you are going to ask 40+ people to show up, spend plat items, and their personal leisure time, to get gear for someone who can turn around and sell it for personal profit? Alliance members respect all that each member gives to the clan. We show that respect by not taking advantage of people and making sure the results of their efforts are well spent.
There are other ways to play this game. Everyone is free to do as they like but that's how you are expected to play in alliance.
There were other issues that were brought up that I want to briefly address:
Perk saying things are even more fair now is referring to how we are continuing to find ways to make sure members efforts in their game time are rewarded, that was not an acknowledgement that there was unfairness before. It will never be perfect, but that is due to OTM's design.
Howfast willingly lent his reaper bc we were all considered friends. Yes, it was used as leverage. I'm glad that we were able to regain what gear we could and pass it on to the other mages who had all agreed Howfast could use over them. Judging by what his friends did, if we hadn't used some leverage, they would have lost out on that as well. It might surprise you to learn that, Howfast seemed to come out of all this looking the best. He took responsibility for his actions, gave up his gear, apologized, and left. Then he continued to help us with bosses.
I don't know what you think Dat and Wonder did. In my experience, they are two of the nicest and most helpful people on Lugh. Without them, I don't think Alliance would be such a great clan and I am fully aware and grateful that they worked hard for my gear long before I joined the clan. Which brings me to my last point,
Alliance went dominant and Lugh has changed. That was over 2 years ago. Alliance is stronger than ever. There are two sides to every story. Alliance would probably never had gone dom if they weren't being used for every kill only to have the drops awarded to people who came late, unequipped, and unlixed, then had to buy those same drops minutes later in the castle.
Thanks to all that took the time to read this,
Best wishes to all that play this game!
Astre 230 druid
Astroid 221 tank
Alyra 220 ranger
General in Alliance