Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Frozen Armour Competition

To all the haters: How do you like them apples?
Was anyone hating? I was just stating the rules. I want this contest to be as fair as possible.
Server: Herne
Clan: ResUrgeNs
Character: Superman8977.....Luminous

Re: Frozen Armour Competition

Good job Darc, Superman... Don't even get me started... He fairly won when his friend posted the picture and he wrote on the forum. There is proof that it wasn't made up and that he is on the forum. Don't be jealous, just accept it and hope for the next contest...

Jeez, some people always find a reason to whine or complain :evil:
Yes, I have made mistakes. Yes, I'm human.

Re: Frozen Armour Competition

Good job Darc, Superman... Don't even get me started... He fairly won when his friend posted the picture and he wrote on the forum. There is proof that it wasn't made up and that he is on the forum. Don't be jealous, just accept it and hope for the next contest...

Jeez, some people always find a reason to whine or complain :evil:
Do you really think I was complaining? All I was trying to do was help the guy by pointing out he had not officially won yet. Even if his friend had posted the pic for him that doesn't matter. Rules are rules.

Ps. I wasn't even trying to enter this competition. I'm only level 121. Do you think id actually have a chance of winning it?
Server: Herne
Clan: ResUrgeNs
Character: Superman8977.....Luminous

Re: Frozen Armour Competition

Im really close to being full and so is 1 other member of my clan, but once we are done we won't be first. Contests to you and your clan man!!!! Y'all won fair and square in my book. Ignore the haters!

Re: Frozen Armour Competition

To all the haters: How do you like them apples?
Was anyone hating? I was just stating the rules. I want this contest to be as fair as possible.
Wow, ok let's talk about fair. We all know that the competition was to see who could get full frozen armor and weapon first. Posting it is a technicality. Granted if it was a close call and you had to take people's word for who got it first, then obviously the first to post a pic would win. This is not the case, he clearly won no matter who posted the pic. For your "fair" sake of the argument lets say that 24 hours passed without him uploading the pic himself. Let's say some other computer savvy player beat him to the upload even though he was a full day behind getting what actually matters in this comp, the armor, not your ability to upload a pic. Your argument would go for the guy who didn't get the items first? Not too mention that your the only one who said he didn't win, admin never posted anything agreeing with you. It doesn't matter if you had a dog in this fight, dissecting the rules to discredit his accomplishment is extremely childish and screams of jealousy. Way to look like a tool

Re: Frozen Armour Competition

Gratz to the winner!
Server: Arawn
Wolf lvl 104 Mage
Valyrix lvl 100 Ranger
Bronn lvl 93 Warrior
Kryxis lvl 70 Druid
LolCat lvl 90 Rogue
Player since v1.0, awwwww yea :D

Re: Frozen Armour Competition

Superman was totally right here what he was doing was HELPING him to really win the competition and dont get some one else post a picture while he had the set but not the picture... I am on the same world as superman...yes but he has got no chance of winning trust me and he is a fair person who just wants to help congrats on your prize darc and stop hitching when some one helps a person eho actually won something.
Thank you!

*Druid 212

Re: Frozen Armour Competition

Ok. My 2 cents...

Superman is right period.

I quote admins RULES for this competition -

"Please note, the winner will be the first person who POSTS A SCREENSHOT of them wearing the armour, and NOT the first person who gains the armour. The winner will be chosen based on this criteria, and the decision of the Administrators is final."

Please not the "not the first person who gains the armor"

Even if a cop doesn't catch you beating someone, doesn't mean you didn't commit a crime. :mrgreen:
Yup boring signature

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