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Gele changes after auction house update

Ok before u say there were no changes otm here's some facts Ima lay down.

Pre crits:
- took us around 34 people to kill gele, NO rage.
- this is with the right people too (best dps tanks druids)

Post crits:
- took us around 30 people to kill gele, NO rage.
- right people

Post auction update:
- took us around 35 people
- right people were there
- raged for 1 min
- 1 missed bash

Post reset this morning:
- 37 people present
- the best dps/tanks/druids were all present.
- raged for 1.5 mins
- NO bash missed, as far as I recall

It seems geles hp was buffed. Not sure if other servers have seen this too but its clearly present on herne. With the best dps present at kill we could've easily done this without rage no problem a while back, please tell me now if geles changed or not because I really think it has been
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- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: Gele changes after auction house update

While I'm one of those that would never discount a secret change, our last 2 Gele kills felt like normal. 16m with 35 and 11m with 42.
For us, it really depends on how many poison crystals spawn, since they are slower to kill and thus heals Gele a bit more than others. It's the primary factor whether we go over 15m or not.

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Re: Gele changes after auction house update

Today's run had many poison crystals but us rangers were helping on them right on spawn. The last gele I believe only 1 or 2 poison spawned. Don't know why it's being weird for us ._.

On a side note, increase bow rates while ur at it
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: Gele changes after auction house update

There were unannounced changes for sure, an obvious one was the ancient weapons. My ancient greatsword on my lvl34 camper looks absolutely amazing now.
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