Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: What servers are active?


If Muldar deleted some of my posts because im not following forum rules, why he dont delete a toon with an abusive name because he is not following in game rules. He deleted my post after i post it but he dont delete an abusive toon after they create it and still goes to lvl high. Is that fair of doing his job? Its not an offensive name, its an abusive languange name and im not offended. What im saying is if you follow your rules in forum why dont you follow your rules in game. Or maybe you should change the rule in game because your not following them.
Because you are currently on the forum and deliberately breaking the forum rules to attack a singular person / clan . You have ignored the naming and shaming rules multiple times after being warned.

If you have an issue with an in-game name report it to our Support Team either via the in-game Support system or by email. They will investigate the case further.

At best his name is a grey area but we will not be deleting, banning or clan banning as you suggested, at best we would rename their toon.

If you want to continue participating on the forums I would advise against this deliberate attack against another member.
So im breaking the rules thats why youre deleting my post and my evidence. How about the player creating an abusive name. Read your rules.

I will direct you to this post by Wardon: http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 48#p708657

The name is not directly offensive, yes, it is questionable and somewhat in a grey area but as I have said if you want to report it you have to go through the correct channels.

Contact Support, if they feel it passes the line they will notify the player and change his name.

We shall review each incident on a case-by-case basis, and act accordingly.

Re: What servers are active?


Because you are currently on the forum and deliberately breaking the forum rules to attack a singular person / clan . You have ignored the naming and shaming rules multiple times after being warned.

If you have an issue with an in-game name report it to our Support Team either via the in-game Support system or by email. They will investigate the case further.

At best his name is a grey area but we will not be deleting, banning or clan banning as you suggested, at best we would rename their toon.

If you want to continue participating on the forums I would advise against this deliberate attack against another member.
So im breaking the rules thats why youre deleting my post and my evidence. How about the player creating an abusive name. Read your rules.

I will direct you to this post by Wardon: http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 48#p708657

The name is not directly offensive, yes, it is questionable and somewhat in a grey area but as I have said if you want to report it you have to go through the correct channels.

Contact Support, if they feel it passes the line they will notify the player and change his name.

We shall review each incident on a case-by-case basis, and act accordingly.

Its not offensive its abusive languange.

Re: What servers are active?

Its not offensive its abusive languange.
This thread has kindof been hijacked. OP was asking what worlds are active.

Why not post your concerns in your own thread?
Kril - Chief Editor, The Dal Riata Enquirer
lev 228 Rogue - Gwydion

Clan Relentless

Give a man a flame, you warm him for a day.
Set a man aflame, you warm him for the rest of his life.

Re: What servers are active?

Clan leaders should be responsible to all the members. That why there are chieftain and generals to regulate the rules in clan. The actions of every members reflects the whole clan. So if a member use an abusive languange the whole clan are abusive. Thats why theres a word 'kick out' if a member is bad.

Re: What servers are active?

Its not offensive its abusive languange.
This thread has kindof been hijacked. OP was asking what worlds are active.

Why not post your concerns in your own thread?

Im saying that this world is active but too many abusive players and clans. So dont go in this world.

Re: What servers are active?

Lmao, never question Muldar cause he knows more about the rules than you ever will. I'm assuming you're a younger fellow cause only the young fellows think that those rediculous, uncreative names are "abusive" :lol:
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: What servers are active?

To the original poster do what kril has said but you should for sure go in game to check servers out and question a few high level people.

Gwydion forum is dead, however our server use line for our social gatherings/ discussions and our actual server is very active in low to mid game and especially end game.

As for the one guy muldar is a forum admin not the head of all the game, I see him more as a PR guy then they guy who deals with players in game, it's obvious you have a personal vendetta against that clan/player.

Name and shaming is a rule on forums and if you want to be literal with him those names are not real names I've not seen a fawkyu or fawkyou however it was spelled in a dictionary.
Relentless the best clan around 8-)
(Don’t @me)

Proud member of CH since July 2011


Re: What servers are active?

Its not offensive its abusive languange.
This thread has kindof been hijacked. OP was asking what worlds are active.

Why not post your concerns in your own thread?

Im saying that this world is active but too many abusive players and clans. So dont go in this world.
At this point we know you're just targeting one clan specifically. Apparently a name that represents the mass extermination of a culture isn't offensive to you. All the drug name references in your own clan aren't offensive to you. And there are far worst names than the one you keep posting about...except they're in your clan. Furthermore I have screen shots of some very horrible and vulgar things said by many of the chiefs on donn so you need to check your own clan history before pointing fingers. And with that I'll leave this be
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: What servers are active?


This thread has kindof been hijacked. OP was asking what worlds are active.

Why not post your concerns in your own thread?

Im saying that this world is active but too many abusive players and clans. So dont go in this world.
At this point we know you're just targeting one clan specifically. Apparently a name that represents the mass extermination of a culture isn't offensive to you. All the drug name references in your own clan aren't offensive to you. And there are far worst names than the one you keep posting about...except they're in your clan. Furthermore I have screen shots of some very horrible and vulgar things said by many of the chiefs on donn so you need to check your own clan history before pointing fingers. And with that I'll leave this be

Im not targetting a one clan only, all i was saying is that this l player in a clan is using an abusive language and he is not following the rules and regulations. In character creation you cant create a toon name with that bad word if you spell it right so he change the spelling but his objective is to write that word but in different spelling. His true objective and intentions is to create an abusive language name because he is an abusive player. Im just a kid but i know the bad words and not and I read the rules and regulations so I understand what is right and what is wrong. Why are you protecting this guy? Is because he is powerful(high lvl and top rank) or rich with lots of gold so he is invicible just like in real life you cant touch rich and powerful because they are invincible. And you cant object rich and powerful even theyre wrong.

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