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Mage OR Warrior?

Hey guys. I'm reaaaaally new here and i hope this is like InfinityBlade forums where answers come in 2secs. My main is a level 32 Warrior and my alt is a lvl11 mage. I have restarted many times on my main, and refused alts almost entirely as I only like to focus on 1 character. So my passion TOTALLY is on Mages, but my clan (rather not say name) says that other Mage players are rare in the Otherworld, and continued saying that warriors and rangers are common there. So, therefore i restarted my main from a lvl 50++ mage to a warrior, and created a mage alt that is untouched. I'm here to ask 1 simple question for high level players: Are there plenty of mages surviving well in the Otherworld? Because if there are, i will restart my main and delete my alt.

:? :? :? :? :? :?

Re: Mage OR Warrior?

Mages survive fine in otherworld. You will just need to find how you want to deal with energy regen. At those levels, you easily go through 1-2k energy per mob (sepending on difficulty). If you can effectively deal with that, then go for it. Otherwise, would likely be best to stick with warrior.
Guardian of Unbreakable on Danu
Solona Level 81 Rogue
Solonara Level 104 Mage
Eryn Level 72 Druid

Re: Mage OR Warrior?

I have a level 88 warrior, he's fine in the otherworld. But I'd still love to have a druid on my back and level with someone.
My mage is only level 73 and he's not in the the OW yet but I love him more :P. I love energy shield as it makes up for the lack of health I have. Also I know plenty of mages who are fine in the OW. But as solona said, you'll need to work out your energy regen.

Re: Mage OR Warrior?

I play a level 90 Mage and I'm solid focus. Every point is in focus so I do massive amounts of damage... Sure I could stay alive just fine in the OW with my energy shield which absorbs 1054 damage. But as far as energy costs go... Energy shield maxed at 25/25 costs 800 energy so ya have fun
Zagic lvl 185 mage
Zhealer lvl 100 druid
Zrute lvl 94 warrior
Zologolas lvl 82 ranger
Zhief lvl 57 rouge
clan Wolfgang
world mabon

Re: Mage OR Warrior?

I play a Mage main because I like blowing stuff up. Also, it is a very big advantage being one of two "very high level" Mages in the clan. I get all the great stuff for Mages. I have 5 Royal +5 rings, and usually receive the armor upgrade pieces first. I hunt a lot in clan and am set up as mostly a group build. Heavy lures. So my clan realizes just how much I help them.

I say go Mage! Level in group or use Energy Shield to solo, only if you must. Why be just like the rest.

Togarth Lvl 150 Mage World Sulis General of Clan Retribution 3rd Place in Marshall's Crystal Armor Event (ChuckNorris)

Re: Mage OR Warrior?

THX U ALL U GUYS. ONCE MY DAD GIVES ME BACK MY ITOUCH IN HALF A YEAR, ILL INSTANTLY CHANGE (though there will be plenty of changes to to the game too when i come back) :P :P :P :P :P :P
Just dont delete your warrior. You have two free slots, keep both. I spend most of my time with my mage but I do jump over and play my alts just for variety.
Papi - Arawn - Beta 4
GuildChief- / MageGuild (Chief)
Glanmoric-Mage 120
Duergath-Rogue 100 TheFamily Chief
Whuric-Druid 91
Volar-Warrior 91
Doriz-Ranger 70
"Growing old is for people who have forgotten how to play."

Re: Mage OR Warrior?

Keep both chars. Even if you want to focus on one, the other is there if you need it and it can be a nice change of pace (especially once it becomes tedious to level your main).

FYI There are a fair number of mages on Epona, and many of us are alive and well in the Otherworld. Rumors of the class' death are greatly exaggerated...

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