First off just because I have a different opinion as you, does not in fact make me a noob as you so say. Nor does it mean i am complaining, I am bring up a valid point which I believe is an issue in the game.disagree. players need to take their time and learn the game. whats creating the bottleneck is the pressure to speed level to 220. I took my time and had no problem at all freezing every single account I had gotten to frozen level. The only players i know who have had any sort of problems are those that try to get to eg level in 1-3 months of joining game. They end up getting eg level and eg gear and quit a few months after because they don't know game mechanics...While I agree with this, I doubt OTM will decide to preference any one class over another, even if the stats do support your argument. That being said, what I think OTM needs to do is significantly lower the spawn times of frozen bosses. Its ridiculous that they are higher than DL and EDL bosses, and the 38 orbs you need for full frozen plus weapon is a massive bottleneck to the game that limits our higher level populations.
Shouldn't have to explain target lock to level 190's. I don't mind doing it but imo players need to take their time and progress in the game, learn their class and earn their gear. OTM already has decreased frozen spawn times, Grom used to spawn once every 2-4 hours, now it spawns once every 2 hours.
Instead of complaining try not rushing. Enjoy being a noob. There is a reason why there is event gear and lux for lower levels, its because players are supposed to be those levels.
Grom does not spawn every two hours, his timer (along with Pyrus) is every 2 hours and 55 minutes. The counterpoint longest boss spawn for DL armor is Snorri at 1 hour 50 minutes. In fact only one Frozen boss (Eye at 1 hour 44 minutes) has a shorter timer than the longest DL boss. This is the issue I was pointing out and is what I was referring to as the bottleneck. If you look at the timers of each armor quest chain, there is a steady progression, then a spike with frozen, and then back to the steady progression. I see more competition on every single frozen boss than I do for any of the lower DL (K/P/Spidey) bosses, I believe because of this bottleneck. I am not advocating rushing, but at the same time OTM has now made it easier to level by editing the XP curve. It is not unreasonable to expect there to be more people needing frozen items (and actually all armor items), which will make this bottleneck grow. I think OTM needs to revisit the current boss timers, specifically this imbalance at frozen and also take a big picture look at it given the new XP curve.