Heh you're the one that started to say that everyone takes the game seriously and do not enjoy things. Who are you to say how others should play? Read your own statement above.Lol wth. My statement is my opinion, some may enjoy the seriousness that other players bring and some may not. I personally hate it when I'm pressured to level up or pressured to show up to a boss because I like to play at a pace that I enjoy and when people pressure me to alter my enjoyable play style I get irritated. Many people struggle to realize that this is an MMORPG and everyone likes to play at their own pace, this especially goes for people that make fun of others for not leveling or going to bosses (it's extremely annoying). Also when people make fun of others for "camping the castle" shows me how unintelligent they are to make up such stupid statements. There is no right or wrong way to play a MMORPG and I wish people could get that in their damn minds."It's just a game"Now days as a high level everyone takes the game seriously and it makes things not as enjoyable
"Why do you take games so seriously they're suppose to be fun"
"No, the game doesn't reflect who I am irl - ITS JUST A GAME"
I put your statement amongst the stupidity that others have said in the past (above).
It's just a matter of opinion I suppose, and one can never change someone else's opinion so here's a suggestion for you, GB, maybe play a game people take a little less 'seriously'.
Also, I don't think people make fun of others for not leveling or not going to bosses, it's when those people butt in and talk as if they know what they're talking about without first hand experience.