Sigh. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure none of you are either, so I will just note that there are any number of laws that may define the legal relationship between players and OTM regardless of what they choose to write in the TOS. They invited us to pay money for a product or service, and that comes with some level of obligation, though the cost of a lawsuit probably makes recovery impractical, if it ever came to that.
But that's not really the point. The point is, laws or not, they have total control over how the game they sell is hosted, and they have tolerated a woefully inadequate hosting vendor for far too long. Laws or not, they owe their customers more. Yes, we can assume a better hosting company is more expensive. Part of running a business is putting together a business model and pricing structure that allows you to provide and support the product or service you are promoting. This is not being done.
Just because you expect decent service doesn't mean you have nothing else going on in your life. When you've basically paid for something, it's reasonable to expect that the one providing the service would do what's necessary to give you access to it.
Auuming that people don't have lives outside of the game because they are annoyed at what has become a seemingly constant issue shows a level of ignorance that is truly profound. But then again I guess some people will say anything they can to seem clever lol.
Michael Artisan - Warrior, Blake Artisan - Rogue, Ren Artisan - Ranger, Gabriel Artisan - Mage, Yaray (until VR let's me add Artisan to the name) - Druid
Guardian Deity of Danu
Buying White Lanrik Pants on Danu!!!!