So it's not ok for us to speak w emotions respectfully to otm, but it's ok for you to use ur emotions to be disrespectful call names and curse??? Since u clearly have a Double standard, you words mean nothing and I'm not wasting my time on ignorance.and im gonna freely speak my mind and tell you to stfu and if that offends you than kiss my ass cause idgaf ppl want to trash otm let em ppl want to trash ppl who are trashing otm let em everyone has a right to speak freely if i do recall you saying so stfu and let otm do their thing and let everyone else get everything off their minds
Everyone is certainly allowed to speak their mind, I am only criticizing those who do so based on no factual information, just on their own subjective "feelings".
Let's stick to the facts.
The facts are, Muldar said otm is working from home! Do they have remote controllers for the servers? He said all is not lost and is up but they can't get us up. Is otm working via osmosis??? Maybe one of them fell asleep on the remote power down button. Did otm work on it from home by calling the company that works on the servers and they can't make it til tomorrow???
Idc but it needs to be communicated w us better and if they need new servers, then do double platt for a month and we will pay for it! Simple facts! Simple fix! As far as your feeling, news flash: humans have them and they affect you every day so deal w it! We aren't ducking robots!
Re: Server Downtime.
BAND group: Celtic Heroes Friends Admin
BAND group: Celtic Heroes Friends Admin