Disagree, Celtic Heroes has done a double mob XP weekend in the past and it was great. Boosted activity, but still enough mobs if you group. This was several years ago prior to all the new areas and leveling possibilities. It's not a problem doing something like this once every several years.Double mob exp would be too op with super/heroic exp/combo. If that happens i can prob lix a fresh account from lvl 1 to 200+ in a single weekend. And if youve been in a different game that did or does double exp weekends you'll know how much lag it causes, everyone will be fighting to kill same mobs tooWhy not just make it double mob exp too?
Re: Double Bounty XP Weekend + 3 Super Combo Elixir Giveaway!
#11World - Sulis
Clan - Toxic
H3ROsRogue - lvl 220 rogue
H3ROsRanger - lvl 200 ranger
H3ROsMage - lvl 220 mage
H3ROsDruid - lvl 220 druid
H3ROsWarrior - lvl 200 warrior
H3ROsLocker - lvl 190 rogue
Can't imagine losing kills to a ranger in 2019.
Clan - Toxic
H3ROsRogue - lvl 220 rogue
H3ROsRanger - lvl 200 ranger
H3ROsMage - lvl 220 mage
H3ROsDruid - lvl 220 druid
H3ROsWarrior - lvl 200 warrior
H3ROsLocker - lvl 190 rogue
Can't imagine losing kills to a ranger in 2019.