Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

The Ancient Temple of Fallen Order

Once served as a place to summon gods, this temple has become a place of deadly chaos and destruction. Overruled by the evil influence of Crom crauch, this temple now holds as a ritual location to resurrect the imprisioned god.

After the fall of gelebron this temple was corrupted by the chaos energy let loose through Crom's prison over the years. Slowly, it serves to release more and more chaos energy in order to gain enough to free crom.

Led by Crom's right hand, general Dewain, this area is not only covered by the once great army of crom, but also by mythical beasts to keep heroes out. Upon entering then temple heroes are forced to fight their way to the bottom, where general Dewain lies in the temples catacombs, performing a ritual to free crom.
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

The Ancient Temple of Fallen Order
Led by Crom's right hand, general Dewain, this area is not only covered by the once great army of crom, but also by mythical beasts to keep heroes out.
Mythical chicken beasts that drop tiered chicken masks to lucky heroes, maybe?
Kril - Chief Editor, The Dal Riata Enquirer
lev 228 Rogue - Gwydion

Clan Relentless

Give a man a flame, you warm him for a day.
Set a man aflame, you warm him for the rest of his life.

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

Tuatha De Danann

Telor the Bard has come to tell a tale of once a hidden island that has been found! This once prosperous island has been taken over King Dagda and his brood. In a distance the sounds of the Harp of Uaithne are heard playing in the distance. Dagda must be stopped before they made their way to Dal Riata. It is foretold in the heart of this island a great cauldron where items of magic can be forged. In order to wield this cauldron you most find the potions of Uthaine which are held by Dagda and his brood.

Bosses in this Area:

Dagda: 230
Aengus: 225
Brigit: 220
Bodb Derg: 215
Cermait: 210
Aed: 205
Midir: 200

So basically this area is the idea is to get the cauldron, and you get these potions from these bosses. Dagda would drop gear and potions for the cauldron the others are like edl and dl except dropping potions. These potions would be used to craft different items by imputing raid gear and then using the right potions to form new things depending on what you use. These potions would be specific to there item so it would be like 50-100 attack to a majestic prot brace or 5% more recast to a dark firebolt skull.
Last edited by FlameBlade on Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important”
— The Doctor, Season 6, Christmas Special

Rogue: FlameBlade21- 223+
Ranger: Ethain- 215+
Mage: Stump 211+

Rogue: Caliber 217+

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

sharman.jpeg (64.3 KiB) Viewed 32027 times
The Sharman mob idea. Just a teaser of what i am working on :)
celtic heroes.jpg
celtic heroes.jpg (73.91 KiB) Viewed 32027 times

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

I know im being critical but can someone make a mid lvl like 100-160 zone instead of going straight to end game, we want new zones too ya know lol
Osheen Powell- Ranger 164 Fingal
Sinful Sunkiss-Mage 105 Fingal
Treebagger- Druid 60 Fingal
Proud Member Of
One for all and all for one
If you need me mail me

Gandalf123- server-Nuada

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

I know im being critical but can someone make a mid lvl like 100-160 zone instead of going straight to end game, we want new zones too ya know lol
I didnt add any lvls to mine, feel free to imagine ;)
110+ ice mage dubnub
106 rogue
117 druid
74 ranger
40 pvp warrior


Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

Tech Duinn

"Tech Duinn, an islet far from Dal Riata, is the gathering place for fallen heroes, awaiting their rebirth. Once a paradise, now it has been cursed and corrupted by Crom's fallen servants. The curse is that of a fog that renders any heroes lost within it, unable to ever be reborn. If you wish to avoid the fate of the lost, go forth and lift the curse, before it is too late." - Visage of Donn.

Leystone areas
Bull Rock, this would be the first ley and would be near the entrance of Tech Duinn. Bull Rock would feature a couple dolmen arranged around it.
Altar of Crom, this would be the second leystone. This leystone would feature an alter and two quest bosses nearby.
House of Donn, this would be the third and last leystone. This would have a small town with a tomb in the center of the town. Donn would be standing outside the tomb, and you would finish the questline here. Behind the town would be the raid boss.

High King, Tigernmas, level 220 6* raid
200+ legacy bosses could be moved here. ( Just a suggestion since i feel they don't really fit in at carrowmore.)
Priest of Crom, level 220 5* there will be two of these positioned near the Altar of Crom leystone. You would need to kill these with a group as part of the questline.

The fallen, levels 200-220 1-2*
Crom's cultist, levels 200-220 3*
Corrupted Hero, levels 200-220 4*

To gain access to Tech Duinn, you would have to be a minimum level of 200 and would have to complete a quest that would prove to Donn that you're strong enough to lift the curse.

Name: Katau
World: Herne
Katau - 227 rogue
Clan - LazyDrunks
World - Herne

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

The Crypt

Overseen by the God and keeper of all tombs, Babael has been mortified to witness his own descendant's soul sent down to him by the Heroes of Del Riata. Infuriated by this discovery, he enters the great tomb where all his descendants were slain, including the newest soul, Gelebron, picks up his Enchanted Arbiter and lets out the mightiest roar, that shakes the ground under the lands of Del Riata without realizing that he opened the doors to his land under Heroes landing. He then sends out his minotaurs, dullahans, orcs, shadows, titans, sphinxs and centaurs to roam his crypt for any "wanderers", as he revives the souls of his pet, Mordris, and his descendant Gelebron to rise and conquer the lands. No being dares to enter his tomb without the Soulful DragonLord armor, that must be obtained by the souls, minds, spirits, hearts, skulls, bones, and eyes of his mightiest guards, Smeritos, Teulus, Senias, Midir, Dionysus, Mabon, and Lugh. No one ever believed the stories of Andra the Scout, when the roar of Babael swept her off her feet, deep under the ancient ruins and the smell of pure death rose from under her. What group of warriors dare enter the crypt, where the screams of the tortured are running through the walls of blood, where the hands of the undead are reaching from the floor made of bones, and the tears of the living, due to their lost loved ones, seep through the grounds of del riata, to once again face the new Souless Gelebron, Souless Mordris and Babael all at once to finally end the curse over these lands?

Platform: Android
World: Lir
Player: Furnaced

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