Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!


For a chance to win exclusive competition only fashion we want to hear your zone pitch ideas!
Write a small pitch describing your epic fantasy zone, friendly villages or cities found there and of course the mobs and bosses that roam the land.
Take inspiration from the world of Celtic Heroes and the lore contained within the lands to craft your zone.
Bonus points for sketches or concept art!

Fishermen have reported to the King that a new isle has appeared off from the north sea. The elders of Lir's Reach warn their villages against venturing near it, saying it is not an isle at all but the body of one of the mightiest of heroes, Bendigeid Vran, whom no dwelling could contain. Killed in a battle which destroyed two islands, Bendigeid Vran's body was set adrift in long ago. Now it has returned, to unknown ends... Upon approaching the isle, heroes can observe two great lakes where once were the mighty warrior's eyes, split by a crest ridge once his nose. A vast forest dips down further, thick with undergrowth, lending lips to the whisper of a frosty breeze. An obscuring veil of misty white propagates this chill, promising a gelid trespass for the intrepid adventurer.
Mirain the Seer declares an urgent call to penetrate to the very heart of the isle and Bendigeid Vran and remove it, The Seer says she senses powers at work to reassemble a sundered magical cauldron which might return to fallen warrior to a horrendous unlife, should it be recast about his heart.

The Details

The initial part of the isle will be populated by friendly, but embattled viking descendants, occupying an ancient, yet sturdy dock, well fortified.

Mobs will start at level 130 and range up to 160 before jumping to 200 and ranging to 230.

Ancient and newly fallen warriors which have been raised by a piece of cauldron stalk the isle, carrying ancient treasure, and commanded by raised viking seers and Celt druids. 130-160.

The frozen reaches of the isle offer a new environment for heroes to explore and new dangers, in addition to not having to stare at tower walls anymore, but sea cliffs and stunning views beneath a brooding wintry sky! All kinds of frozen creatures stalk here and how they came to have a hand in this malign quest remains a mystery... 200-230.

Bendigeid Vran is, of course, the end raid boss, his mighty heroes acting as his generals to command nameless horrors and be quest bosses.

I would love to see a frozen forest/tundra map. And I am a bit bored of staring at cliff and tower walls all the time.

Thanks, Arken for the source material! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004T ... UTF8&psc=1
How many hats?

Server: Donn
Clan: Concordiia
Aoifa Strongbow-Mage-220
Naughty Vines-Druid-195l
Geriatric Ninja-Rogue-140

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

(Update Name) “Tear of Brigid” (Zone Name) “The Frozen Forest of Donadea”

Past the Southern Dales of Stonevale, a wail of sorrowful lamentations pierce the land, the land has begun to freeze and the once overflowing river now hardens and cracks to reveal a hidden stair. A new land is now accessible, but what was once the lush and hidden forest of Donadea, is now a frozen crysalis of hidden dangers. Past the hidden stair the village of Kildare and its people reside. The Kildaren people lement with their Goddess Brigid, a major battle has begun between the Kildaren and an unknown entity. What was once the gentle, lush forest of Donadea that surrounded the Village of Kildare, is now infested with demonic creatures of unknown origins. The Sacred White Oak Shrine Hidden past Kildare village deep in the Donadea forest, below the mountain range, is now emanating a dark aura plaguing the village and twistings the gentle creatures of Donadea forest. In an attempt to save her forest and the people of Kildare, Brigid Goddess of the forge and hearth, shed but a single tear placing the forest around Kildare into a frozen suspended animation. The process in turn froze the Goddess herself, but the demonic creatures she hoped to entrap within this curse, remained untouched from its clutches, and continued their attack on the village of Kildare. Without the protection of their goddess the people of Kildare are doomed. The only way to bring about the end of this curse and reawaken the Goddess is to seek out her once White Sacred Shrine and rid it of the vial emanations coming from within. It is your mission as a Celtic Hero to save the people of Kildare and awaken their frozen lamenting goddess.

New Locations:
*Village of Kildare
*Forest of Donadea
*White Oak Shrine

New Armour & Weapons:
From Armour weapon boss(s) drops:
Armour of Brigid
Weapon of Brigid
From two EGB boss(s) drops:
Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear
Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear

New Fashion: Triskele Fashion and Ethereal Triskele Fashion
(Fashion that tattoos the Triskele otherwise known as the Celtic triple Spiral)(on males it's across the chest, on females it's on the lower back)

New Pets: (Animals that represent the Goddess)
*The Owl of Focus
*The Badger of Strength
*The Serpent of Dexterity
*The Ram of Defense
*The Groundhog of Cunning

New Enemies:
*Sluagh: Malicious spirits (they flock like birds) Lvl 215-220
*Dearg: (Vampires) (black cloaked, bald male vampires) Lvl 220-225
*Sidhe: (Vampiress Fae) (cloaked in red, beautiful winged fae with black hair and pale skin) Lvl 225-230
*Spectral Fire Kelpies (Kelpies engrossed in shadow and purple fire) Lvl 235-240
*Possessed animals of mixed levels in all areas. Between LVL’s 215-240 (Badgers, owls, serpents, rams, groundhogs) (This is where the new pets derive from) (have to collect corresponding animals elements from the animal you wish to be your pet)

New Bosses:
****Supplies drops for Armour of Brigid, Weapon of Brigid
*Dub (darkness) (silhouette of a little boy cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries spectral daggers) Lvl 220 (armour quest boss)
*Dother (evil) (silhouette of a man cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries a giant spectral hammer) Lvl 225 (armour quest boss)
*Dain (violence) (silhouette of a Giant cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries two gigantic spectral long swords) Lvl 230 (armour quest boss)
*The Carman (Celtic Witch mother of Dub, Dother and Dain) (tattooed woman covered in runes, long flowing hair and gown that emanate the same black and purple mist that surround her sons, but she is not a silhouette, carries a large spectral (staff, sword, daggers, bow, wand) with the inverted moon on it) Lvl 230 (weapons boss)
*Caorthannach (skeletal oozing fire spitter) (Giant Skeleton, that oozes a purple and black sparkling mist and spits volcanic hellfire) Lvl 235 (armour quest boss)
****Supplies drops for Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear, Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear
*Questing Beast (head of a snake, body of a leopard, backside of a lion, and hooves of a deer, hooves emanate black and purple sparkling myst) Lvl 240 (EGB boss)
*Dullahan: Headless Horseman that rides a black spectral kelpie that is alit with purple flames). Lvl 240 (EGB boss)

Entrance Locations:

Donadea Forest & Kildare:

Sacred Oak Shrine:

Spiral labyrinth leading to the Sacred Oak Shrine
Five frozen forest rooms, each room has one armour boss(Dub, Dother, Dain, Carman, and Caorthannach) for each tier.
One Frozen contaminated Sacred oak room with two EGB (quest beast and Dullahan) boss Locations. (Just like the tower of Gele)

Character: Silvermyst
World: Rosmerta
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Silvermyst, 219 Ice Mage
Iradessa, 178 Hybrid Druid

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

Mobs up to level 230-240 (give us something to do...)

Off of stonevale, a new connected valley. A small village at the entrance. Beyond the far side of the vilage gates are high level mobs as you follow the valley (220 and getting progressively higher the further along the valley you go). The valley is packed with tons of mobs. It should not be easy for a level 220 to run past them unscathed. They should freeze/root you if you try to run past. It should not be possible to cut through the woods. You must follow the path. At the end of each path is a cave/portal/building/quest NPC with a RAID style bounty board. You form a raid (yes... multiple groups), and someone from your raid gets the boss bounty. If you kill the boss, there is a timer before you can get that raid bounty again. If there are 20 people in the raid with no timer lock and 1 person did kill it a few hours ago and has timer lock, all can zone in but the guy whose timer is not reset.

Inside each instance is a boss, and any NPC's which are part of the encounter. The first one should be level 220, the second instance level 222, the third 224, all the way to the big boss at level 240 (yes... 10 bosses. Please OTM we are bored... give us something to do).

The bosses should drop 1 jewel, and 2 quest armor pieces. You should have bounty quests for 5* and 6* version (each with a different timer lock). Only the 6* drop quest armor pieces. The jewels should be ring or neck or misc. Its ridiculous how hard it is to get a fricking misc without events as a new player.

The level 220 boss should only drop glove materials, the 222 & 224 should only drop boots, the 226 & 228 only drop helm, the 230 & 232 only legs, the 234& 236 chest, the 238 mainhand, 240 offhand. Dont make the jewels worthless... Players want stat points, + dmg or + heals. Make the gear good, and the bosses tough.

Key take away: I get that you [OTM]0 want to do an open world... thats fine; give us open world events and legacy bosses. The problem with open world is you cap the population on the server. There are only X number of bosses which spawn per day. If you have 10 people who play the game, everyone easily can enjoy the game. If you have 1,000 players wanting to play very few will get the drops and 90% of the population will get bored, which means you only get 100 people playing the game. Case in point: We currently have groups of 50 people at frozen bosses trying to get orbs. The vast majority will give up because it currently takes 6 months to get a set of 30 frozen orbs on my server. When people cant progress... they quit. If you allow people to setup convenient times when everyone can login, and all work together to kill bosses, players will enjoy it more, more will login and use lix/idols/platinum.

Limiting the number of bosses up hurts the games growth and your profits. Suck it up and spend the engineering effort to build the infrastructure and spare us "crafting". Noone gives a damn about crafting. Everyone at all levels feels the pain of competition over bosses. It forces clans to fight and causes tons of drama. Its like 50 animals in a zoo fighting over water from a tiny puddle, and animals dying left and right of thirst, and the zoo keeps shipping in more animals rather than making a damn watering hole.

Higher population = more friends = more addictive and most importantly more money for OTM. Build instances OMFG

/rant off
215+ Druid
220+ Mage
220+ Warrior
220+ Rogue
215+ Ranger

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

One day a young fisherman was Craving an adventure of some sort.. That day he met a old crazy man repeating sickening stories of evil creatures and Corrupt lords, Gone wicked with greed in a distant land East of the Northern peninsula, He told stories of Evil monks dancing and screaming chants round bloody corpses, But most importantly he told Heroic stories about The Ancient guards of This forbidden land.. The guards bathed in Waters from Heaven and were trained by the Gods themselves before being sent to this world, To Protect the Gates of Raas Padal from the Creatures on the other side... For an amount of time no man could dream of they have been Fighting and fighting to keep these evil creatures at bay. But their expertise, talents and abilities are weakening. And soon enough these monstrous beings will beat the power of the Ancient guards and storm across Lir slaughtering everyone and everything in their path.

The boy travelled for 8 weeks til he came across The Forbidden Land on the other side of the sea. He went to the guards to help defend the gate but more power is needed to keep these beings away from humanity.. This is a call for the truly powerful heroes in our land to step forward and protect us from these creatures...

How it should work :
I think it should be done like a larger ship on the shore next to the northern peninsula, you walk into the door of the ship... But first you would have to talk to Bondreal the Crazy (The old crazy man who told the stories) Who will give you a quest to find certain things which you can obtain from other bosses to rebuild the ship to travel to the forbidden land. After the quest is done you will be able to walk into the door on the ship and travel to the Forbidden land. On the island where it is, you will come across the 4 guards and the Boy who went to fight. There will be bosses you and your clan can kill and mobs all across the land able to Lix, Get new drops and mabye even new luxury items from evil lands and beings.
It could possibly become a high level lixing place for 220s+
aswell as I know lots of higher levels want a new place to level

Gl to everyone who has entered the competition!.

Character: (taranis)

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

(Update Name) “Tear of Brigid” (Zone Name) “The Frozen Forest of Donadea”

Past the Southern Dales of Stonevale, a wail of sorrowful lamentations pierce the land, the land has begun to freeze and the once overflowing river now hardens and cracks to reveal a hidden stair. A new land is now accessible, but what was once the lush and hidden forest of Donadea, is now a frozen crysalis of hidden dangers. Past the hidden stair the village of Kildare and its people reside. The Kildaren people lement with their Goddess Brigid, a major battle has begun between the Kildaren and an unknown entity. What was once the gentle, lush forest of Donadea that surrounded the Village of Kildare, is now infested with demonic creatures of unknown origins. The Sacred White Oak Shrine Hidden past Kildare village deep in the Donadea forest, below the mountain range, is now emanating a dark aura plaguing the village and twistings the gentle creatures of Donadea forest. In an attempt to save her forest and the people of Kildare, Brigid Goddess of the forge and hearth, shed but a single tear placing the forest around Kildare into a frozen suspended animation. The process in turn froze the Goddess herself, but the demonic creatures she hoped to entrap within this curse, remained untouched from its clutches, and continued their attack on the village of Kildare. Without the protection of their goddess the people of Kildare are doomed. The only way to bring about the end of this curse and reawaken the Goddess is to seek out her once White Sacred Shrine and rid it of the vial emanations coming from within. It is your mission as a Celtic Hero to save the people of Kildare and awaken their frozen lamenting goddess.

New Locations:
*Village of Kildare
*Forest of Donadea
*White Oak Shrine

New Armour & Weapons:
From Armour weapon boss(s) drops:
Armour of Brigid
Weapon of Brigid
From two EGB boss(s) drops:
Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear
Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear

New Fashion: Triskele Fashion and Ethereal Triskele Fashion
(Fashion that tattoos the Triskele otherwise known as the Celtic triple Spiral)(on males it's across the chest, on females it's on the lower back)

New Pets: (Animals that represent the Goddess)
*The Owl of Focus
*The Badger of Strength
*The Serpent of Dexterity
*The Ram of Defense
*The Groundhog of Cunning

New Enemies:
*Sluagh: Malicious spirits (they flock like birds) Lvl 215-220
*Dearg: (Vampires) (black cloaked, bald male vampires) Lvl 220-225
*Sidhe: (Vampiress Fae) (cloaked in red, beautiful winged fae with black hair and pale skin) Lvl 225-230
*Spectral Fire Kelpies (Kelpies engrossed in shadow and purple fire) Lvl 235-240
*Possessed animals of mixed levels in all areas. Between LVL’s 215-240 (Badgers, owls, serpents, rams, groundhogs) (This is where the new pets derive from) (have to collect corresponding animals elements from the animal you wish to be your pet)

New Bosses:
****Supplies drops for Armour of Brigid, Weapon of Brigid
*Dub (darkness) (silhouette of a little boy cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries spectral daggers) Lvl 220 (armour quest boss)
*Dother (evil) (silhouette of a man cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries a giant spectral hammer) Lvl 225 (armour quest boss)
*Dain (violence) (silhouette of a Giant cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries two gigantic spectral long swords) Lvl 230 (armour quest boss)
*The Carman (Celtic Witch mother of Dub, Dother and Dain) (tattooed woman covered in runes, long flowing hair and gown that emanate the same black and purple mist that surround her sons, but she is not a silhouette, carries a large spectral (staff, sword, daggers, bow, wand) with the inverted moon on it) Lvl 230 (weapons boss)
*Caorthannach (skeletal oozing fire spitter) (Giant Skeleton, that oozes a purple and black sparkling mist and spits volcanic hellfire) Lvl 235 (armour quest boss)
****Supplies drops for Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear, Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear
*Questing Beast (head of a snake, body of a leopard, backside of a lion, and hooves of a deer, hooves emanate black and purple sparkling myst) Lvl 240 (EGB boss)
*Dullahan: Headless Horseman that rides a black spectral kelpie that is alit with purple flames). Lvl 240 (EGB boss)

Entrance Locations:

Donadea Forest & Kildare:

Sacred Oak Shrine:

Spiral labyrinth leading to the Sacred Oak Shrine
Five frozen forest rooms, each room has one armour boss(Dub, Dother, Dain, Carman, and Caorthannach) for each tier.
One Frozen contaminated Sacred oak room with two EGB (quest beast and Dullahan) boss Locations. (Just like the tower of Gele)

Character: Silvermyst
World: Rosmerta
This fashion is hawt omg I want some otm we have a winner

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

(Update Name) “Tear of Brigid” (Zone Name) “The Frozen Forest of Donadea”

Past the Southern Dales of Stonevale, a wail of sorrowful lamentations pierce the land, the land has begun to freeze and the once overflowing river now hardens and cracks to reveal a hidden stair. A new land is now accessible, but what was once the lush and hidden forest of Donadea, is now a frozen crysalis of hidden dangers. Past the hidden stair the village of Kildare and its people reside. The Kildaren people lement with their Goddess Brigid, a major battle has begun between the Kildaren and an unknown entity. What was once the gentle, lush forest of Donadea that surrounded the Village of Kildare, is now infested with demonic creatures of unknown origins. The Sacred White Oak Shrine Hidden past Kildare village deep in the Donadea forest, below the mountain range, is now emanating a dark aura plaguing the village and twistings the gentle creatures of Donadea forest. In an attempt to save her forest and the people of Kildare, Brigid Goddess of the forge and hearth, shed but a single tear placing the forest around Kildare into a frozen suspended animation. The process in turn froze the Goddess herself, but the demonic creatures she hoped to entrap within this curse, remained untouched from its clutches, and continued their attack on the village of Kildare. Without the protection of their goddess the people of Kildare are doomed. The only way to bring about the end of this curse and reawaken the Goddess is to seek out her once White Sacred Shrine and rid it of the vial emanations coming from within. It is your mission as a Celtic Hero to save the people of Kildare and awaken their frozen lamenting goddess.

New Locations:
*Village of Kildare
*Forest of Donadea
*White Oak Shrine

New Armour & Weapons:
From Armour weapon boss(s) drops:
Armour of Brigid
Weapon of Brigid
From two EGB boss(s) drops:
Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear
Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear

New Fashion: Triskele Fashion and Ethereal Triskele Fashion
(Fashion that tattoos the Triskele otherwise known as the Celtic triple Spiral)(on males it's across the chest, on females it's on the lower back)

New Pets: (Animals that represent the Goddess)
*The Owl of Focus
*The Badger of Strength
*The Serpent of Dexterity
*The Ram of Defense
*The Groundhog of Cunning

New Enemies:
*Sluagh: Malicious spirits (they flock like birds) Lvl 215-220
*Dearg: (Vampires) (black cloaked, bald male vampires) Lvl 220-225
*Sidhe: (Vampiress Fae) (cloaked in red, beautiful winged fae with black hair and pale skin) Lvl 225-230
*Spectral Fire Kelpies (Kelpies engrossed in shadow and purple fire) Lvl 235-240
*Possessed animals of mixed levels in all areas. Between LVL’s 215-240 (Badgers, owls, serpents, rams, groundhogs) (This is where the new pets derive from) (have to collect corresponding animals elements from the animal you wish to be your pet)

New Bosses:
****Supplies drops for Armour of Brigid, Weapon of Brigid
*Dub (darkness) (silhouette of a little boy cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries spectral daggers) Lvl 220 (armour quest boss)
*Dother (evil) (silhouette of a man cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries a giant spectral hammer) Lvl 225 (armour quest boss)
*Dain (violence) (silhouette of a Giant cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries two gigantic spectral long swords) Lvl 230 (armour quest boss)
*The Carman (Celtic Witch mother of Dub, Dother and Dain) (tattooed woman covered in runes, long flowing hair and gown that emanate the same black and purple mist that surround her sons, but she is not a silhouette, carries a large spectral (staff, sword, daggers, bow, wand) with the inverted moon on it) Lvl 230 (weapons boss)
*Caorthannach (skeletal oozing fire spitter) (Giant Skeleton, that oozes a purple and black sparkling mist and spits volcanic hellfire) Lvl 235 (armour quest boss)
****Supplies drops for Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear, Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear
*Questing Beast (head of a snake, body of a leopard, backside of a lion, and hooves of a deer, hooves emanate black and purple sparkling myst) Lvl 240 (EGB boss)
*Dullahan: Headless Horseman that rides a black spectral kelpie that is alit with purple flames). Lvl 240 (EGB boss)

Entrance Locations:

Donadea Forest & Kildare:

Sacred Oak Shrine:

Spiral labyrinth leading to the Sacred Oak Shrine
Five frozen forest rooms, each room has one armour boss(Dub, Dother, Dain, Carman, and Caorthannach) for each tier.
One Frozen contaminated Sacred oak room with two EGB (quest beast and Dullahan) boss Locations. (Just like the tower of Gele)

Character: Silvermyst
World: Rosmerta
This fashion is hawt omg I want some otm we have a winner
Awe thank you !
Silvermyst, 219 Ice Mage
Iradessa, 178 Hybrid Druid

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

(Update Name) “Tear of Brigid” (Zone Name) “The Frozen Forest of Donadea”

Past the Southern Dales of Stonevale, a wail of sorrowful lamentations pierce the land, the land has begun to freeze and the once overflowing river now hardens and cracks to reveal a hidden stair. A new land is now accessible, but what was once the lush and hidden forest of Donadea, is now a frozen crysalis of hidden dangers. Past the hidden stair the village of Kildare and its people reside. The Kildaren people lement with their Goddess Brigid, a major battle has begun between the Kildaren and an unknown entity. What was once the gentle, lush forest of Donadea that surrounded the Village of Kildare, is now infested with demonic creatures of unknown origins. The Sacred White Oak Shrine Hidden past Kildare village deep in the Donadea forest, below the mountain range, is now emanating a dark aura plaguing the village and twistings the gentle creatures of Donadea forest. In an attempt to save her forest and the people of Kildare, Brigid Goddess of the forge and hearth, shed but a single tear placing the forest around Kildare into a frozen suspended animation. The process in turn froze the Goddess herself, but the demonic creatures she hoped to entrap within this curse, remained untouched from its clutches, and continued their attack on the village of Kildare. Without the protection of their goddess the people of Kildare are doomed. The only way to bring about the end of this curse and reawaken the Goddess is to seek out her once White Sacred Shrine and rid it of the vial emanations coming from within. It is your mission as a Celtic Hero to save the people of Kildare and awaken their frozen lamenting goddess.

New Locations:
*Village of Kildare
*Forest of Donadea
*White Oak Shrine

New Armour & Weapons:
From Armour weapon boss(s) drops:
Armour of Brigid
Weapon of Brigid
From two EGB boss(s) drops:
Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear
Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear

New Fashion: Triskele Fashion and Ethereal Triskele Fashion
(Fashion that tattoos the Triskele otherwise known as the Celtic triple Spiral)(on males it's across the chest, on females it's on the lower back)

New Pets: (Animals that represent the Goddess)
*The Owl of Focus
*The Badger of Strength
*The Serpent of Dexterity
*The Ram of Defense
*The Groundhog of Cunning

New Enemies:
*Sluagh: Malicious spirits (they flock like birds) Lvl 215-220
*Dearg: (Vampires) (black cloaked, bald male vampires) Lvl 220-225
*Sidhe: (Vampiress Fae) (cloaked in red, beautiful winged fae with black hair and pale skin) Lvl 225-230
*Spectral Fire Kelpies (Kelpies engrossed in shadow and purple fire) Lvl 235-240
*Possessed animals of mixed levels in all areas. Between LVL’s 215-240 (Badgers, owls, serpents, rams, groundhogs) (This is where the new pets derive from) (have to collect corresponding animals elements from the animal you wish to be your pet)

New Bosses:
****Supplies drops for Armour of Brigid, Weapon of Brigid
*Dub (darkness) (silhouette of a little boy cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries spectral daggers) Lvl 220 (armour quest boss)
*Dother (evil) (silhouette of a man cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries a giant spectral hammer) Lvl 225 (armour quest boss)
*Dain (violence) (silhouette of a Giant cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries two gigantic spectral long swords) Lvl 230 (armour quest boss)
*The Carman (Celtic Witch mother of Dub, Dother and Dain) (tattooed woman covered in runes, long flowing hair and gown that emanate the same black and purple mist that surround her sons, but she is not a silhouette, carries a large spectral (staff, sword, daggers, bow, wand) with the inverted moon on it) Lvl 230 (weapons boss)
*Caorthannach (skeletal oozing fire spitter) (Giant Skeleton, that oozes a purple and black sparkling mist and spits volcanic hellfire) Lvl 235 (armour quest boss)
****Supplies drops for Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear, Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear
*Questing Beast (head of a snake, body of a leopard, backside of a lion, and hooves of a deer, hooves emanate black and purple sparkling myst) Lvl 240 (EGB boss)
*Dullahan: Headless Horseman that rides a black spectral kelpie that is alit with purple flames). Lvl 240 (EGB boss)

Entrance Locations:

Donadea Forest & Kildare:

Sacred Oak Shrine:

Spiral labyrinth leading to the Sacred Oak Shrine
Five frozen forest rooms, each room has one armour boss(Dub, Dother, Dain, Carman, and Caorthannach) for each tier.
One Frozen contaminated Sacred oak room with two EGB (quest beast and Dullahan) boss Locations. (Just like the tower of Gele)

Character: Silvermyst
World: Rosmerta
This fashion is hawt omg I want some otm we have a winner
Awe thank you !
Your ideas the best omfg

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

(Update Name) “Tear of Brigid” (Zone Name) “The Frozen Forest of Donadea”

Past the Southern Dales of Stonevale, a wail of sorrowful lamentations pierce the land, the land has begun to freeze and the once overflowing river now hardens and cracks to reveal a hidden stair. A new land is now accessible, but what was once the lush and hidden forest of Donadea, is now a frozen crysalis of hidden dangers. Past the hidden stair the village of Kildare and its people reside. The Kildaren people lement with their Goddess Brigid, a major battle has begun between the Kildaren and an unknown entity. What was once the gentle, lush forest of Donadea that surrounded the Village of Kildare, is now infested with demonic creatures of unknown origins. The Sacred White Oak Shrine Hidden past Kildare village deep in the Donadea forest, below the mountain range, is now emanating a dark aura plaguing the village and twistings the gentle creatures of Donadea forest. In an attempt to save her forest and the people of Kildare, Brigid Goddess of the forge and hearth, shed but a single tear placing the forest around Kildare into a frozen suspended animation. The process in turn froze the Goddess herself, but the demonic creatures she hoped to entrap within this curse, remained untouched from its clutches, and continued their attack on the village of Kildare. Without the protection of their goddess the people of Kildare are doomed. The only way to bring about the end of this curse and reawaken the Goddess is to seek out her once White Sacred Shrine and rid it of the vial emanations coming from within. It is your mission as a Celtic Hero to save the people of Kildare and awaken their frozen lamenting goddess.

New Locations:
*Village of Kildare
*Forest of Donadea
*White Oak Shrine

New Armour & Weapons:
From Armour weapon boss(s) drops:
Armour of Brigid
Weapon of Brigid
From two EGB boss(s) drops:
Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear
Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear

New Fashion: Triskele Fashion and Ethereal Triskele Fashion
(Fashion that tattoos the Triskele otherwise known as the Celtic triple Spiral)(on males it's across the chest, on females it's on the lower back)

New Pets: (Animals that represent the Goddess)
*The Owl of Focus
*The Badger of Strength
*The Serpent of Dexterity
*The Ram of Defense
*The Groundhog of Cunning

New Enemies:
*Sluagh: Malicious spirits (they flock like birds) Lvl 215-220
*Dearg: (Vampires) (black cloaked, bald male vampires) Lvl 220-225
*Sidhe: (Vampiress Fae) (cloaked in red, beautiful winged fae with black hair and pale skin) Lvl 225-230
*Spectral Fire Kelpies (Kelpies engrossed in shadow and purple fire) Lvl 235-240
*Possessed animals of mixed levels in all areas. Between LVL’s 215-240 (Badgers, owls, serpents, rams, groundhogs) (This is where the new pets derive from) (have to collect corresponding animals elements from the animal you wish to be your pet)

New Bosses:
****Supplies drops for Armour of Brigid, Weapon of Brigid
*Dub (darkness) (silhouette of a little boy cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries spectral daggers) Lvl 220 (armour quest boss)
*Dother (evil) (silhouette of a man cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries a giant spectral hammer) Lvl 225 (armour quest boss)
*Dain (violence) (silhouette of a Giant cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries two gigantic spectral long swords) Lvl 230 (armour quest boss)
*The Carman (Celtic Witch mother of Dub, Dother and Dain) (tattooed woman covered in runes, long flowing hair and gown that emanate the same black and purple mist that surround her sons, but she is not a silhouette, carries a large spectral (staff, sword, daggers, bow, wand) with the inverted moon on it) Lvl 230 (weapons boss)
*Caorthannach (skeletal oozing fire spitter) (Giant Skeleton, that oozes a purple and black sparkling mist and spits volcanic hellfire) Lvl 235 (armour quest boss)
****Supplies drops for Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear, Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear
*Questing Beast (head of a snake, body of a leopard, backside of a lion, and hooves of a deer, hooves emanate black and purple sparkling myst) Lvl 240 (EGB boss)
*Dullahan: Headless Horseman that rides a black spectral kelpie that is alit with purple flames). Lvl 240 (EGB boss)

Entrance Locations:

Donadea Forest & Kildare:

Sacred Oak Shrine:

Spiral labyrinth leading to the Sacred Oak Shrine
Five frozen forest rooms, each room has one armour boss(Dub, Dother, Dain, Carman, and Caorthannach) for each tier.
One Frozen contaminated Sacred oak room with two EGB (quest beast and Dullahan) boss Locations. (Just like the tower of Gele)

Character: Silvermyst
World: Rosmerta
This fashion is hawt omg I want some otm we have a winner
I can't get into the top for males. Female looks great. But for the males, it's like shoulder pads with a collar.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Get Creative! Design a Zone!

(Update Name) “Tear of Brigid” (Zone Name) “The Frozen Forest of Donadea”

Past the Southern Dales of Stonevale, a wail of sorrowful lamentations pierce the land, the land has begun to freeze and the once overflowing river now hardens and cracks to reveal a hidden stair. A new land is now accessible, but what was once the lush and hidden forest of Donadea, is now a frozen crysalis of hidden dangers. Past the hidden stair the village of Kildare and its people reside. The Kildaren people lement with their Goddess Brigid, a major battle has begun between the Kildaren and an unknown entity. What was once the gentle, lush forest of Donadea that surrounded the Village of Kildare, is now infested with demonic creatures of unknown origins. The Sacred White Oak Shrine Hidden past Kildare village deep in the Donadea forest, below the mountain range, is now emanating a dark aura plaguing the village and twistings the gentle creatures of Donadea forest. In an attempt to save her forest and the people of Kildare, Brigid Goddess of the forge and hearth, shed but a single tear placing the forest around Kildare into a frozen suspended animation. The process in turn froze the Goddess herself, but the demonic creatures she hoped to entrap within this curse, remained untouched from its clutches, and continued their attack on the village of Kildare. Without the protection of their goddess the people of Kildare are doomed. The only way to bring about the end of this curse and reawaken the Goddess is to seek out her once White Sacred Shrine and rid it of the vial emanations coming from within. It is your mission as a Celtic Hero to save the people of Kildare and awaken their frozen lamenting goddess.

New Locations:
*Village of Kildare
*Forest of Donadea
*White Oak Shrine

New Armour & Weapons:
From Armour weapon boss(s) drops:
Armour of Brigid
Weapon of Brigid
From two EGB boss(s) drops:
Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear
Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear

New Fashion: Triskele Fashion and Ethereal Triskele Fashion
(Fashion that tattoos the Triskele otherwise known as the Celtic triple Spiral)(on males it's across the chest, on females it's on the lower back)

New Pets: (Animals that represent the Goddess)
*The Owl of Focus
*The Badger of Strength
*The Serpent of Dexterity
*The Ram of Defense
*The Groundhog of Cunning

New Enemies:
*Sluagh: Malicious spirits (they flock like birds) Lvl 215-220
*Dearg: (Vampires) (black cloaked, bald male vampires) Lvl 220-225
*Sidhe: (Vampiress Fae) (cloaked in red, beautiful winged fae with black hair and pale skin) Lvl 225-230
*Spectral Fire Kelpies (Kelpies engrossed in shadow and purple fire) Lvl 235-240
*Possessed animals of mixed levels in all areas. Between LVL’s 215-240 (Badgers, owls, serpents, rams, groundhogs) (This is where the new pets derive from) (have to collect corresponding animals elements from the animal you wish to be your pet)

New Bosses:
****Supplies drops for Armour of Brigid, Weapon of Brigid
*Dub (darkness) (silhouette of a little boy cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries spectral daggers) Lvl 220 (armour quest boss)
*Dother (evil) (silhouette of a man cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries a giant spectral hammer) Lvl 225 (armour quest boss)
*Dain (violence) (silhouette of a Giant cloaked in black and purple mist, red eyes, carries two gigantic spectral long swords) Lvl 230 (armour quest boss)
*The Carman (Celtic Witch mother of Dub, Dother and Dain) (tattooed woman covered in runes, long flowing hair and gown that emanate the same black and purple mist that surround her sons, but she is not a silhouette, carries a large spectral (staff, sword, daggers, bow, wand) with the inverted moon on it) Lvl 230 (weapons boss)
*Caorthannach (skeletal oozing fire spitter) (Giant Skeleton, that oozes a purple and black sparkling mist and spits volcanic hellfire) Lvl 235 (armour quest boss)
****Supplies drops for Spectral Armour of Brigid’s Tear, Spectral Weapon of Brigid’s Tear
*Questing Beast (head of a snake, body of a leopard, backside of a lion, and hooves of a deer, hooves emanate black and purple sparkling myst) Lvl 240 (EGB boss)
*Dullahan: Headless Horseman that rides a black spectral kelpie that is alit with purple flames). Lvl 240 (EGB boss)

Entrance Locations:

Donadea Forest & Kildare:

Sacred Oak Shrine:

Spiral labyrinth leading to the Sacred Oak Shrine
Five frozen forest rooms, each room has one armour boss(Dub, Dother, Dain, Carman, and Caorthannach) for each tier.
One Frozen contaminated Sacred oak room with two EGB (quest beast and Dullahan) boss Locations. (Just like the tower of Gele)

Character: Silvermyst
World: Rosmerta
This fashion is hawt omg I want some otm we have a winner
I can't get into the top for males. Female looks great. But for the males, it's like shoulder pads with a collar.
males are a little hard to design for in all honesty just because so much has already been done i just tried to make something that paired well with the female outfit and also something that wasn't overly to similar to anything previously done. Taking into consideration some of the top fashion choices people have liked in the past. What looks like shoulder pads is actually armor plating that wraps around the shoulders and has chainmail extensions on the backside but I forgot to post the other image when I put me entry in. anything that has that grey blue color is armor plating with cloth attachments for accent. I chose tattooing because I'm a huge fan of the ard fashion and really like the tattooing.

Thank you all for your support, Really happy you guys are digging the ideas I worked on. :)
Silvermyst, 219 Ice Mage
Iradessa, 178 Hybrid Druid

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