Comical.When you have to point out your own seen importance it's pretty sad. If you have done all that you can or want to do then just go away. stop staying so mad over something you have given up trying to change. Lugh isn't in slavery it's a simple competition for bosses edl dl hrung necro etc.. some are ok with it some aren't. Some want to old lugh back where if you showed up even afk you got a roll. some do not and like it the way it is. There is no greed involved but a difference in how lugh should operate.
I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but I don't care what happens. I don't like endgame, I'm a collector and a merchant(and I am not really active). I only offer my assistance to the side of the good because that's the way it should be and because they are nice people. I don't like manipulative scrubs. The only reason I stated my connections and year is because you seem to think I'm some nobody. Just because someone isn't in the same clan as you doesn't mean they are worthless, even if you hate them.
To afk dicing, that was not a fault of dicing. It was the fault of clans backing up offenders.
To slavery, yeah it is. Join us or die trying, you have to show up at all these fights and be a certain high level to join blah blah blah. Live and let live man, the good thing about dicing was that people could go at their own speed and actually enjoy the game.
There are reasons I'm not endgame.
1. I can't be(basically), old iPod and I'm not buying a new one.
2. I hate leveling, and it will keep happening due #3.
3. There's no reason for me to fight my way to godly drops again, spending potentially millions too, for it to be inferior when a new update comes out.
4. Adding to 3, why should I endlessly chase endgame gear I'll never have perfect when I can just make a perfect lower level and be done? Sure it's not the same but at this point it's been too long anyway.